Websites with the .EDU.KH extension

7 websites Rank:1,384,819 Worth:$220

PUC is the first higher learning institution in Cambodia that provides English based education in all subjects, and is officially authorized and accredited by the Royal Government of Cambodia to grant degrees in Bachelors, Masters, and Ph.D. to qualified students. PUC adopts international standard curriculum generally used by American and other developed countries’ colleges and universities (combining General Education and Foundation Courses with Major Core subjects). This academic model assures that credit units and degrees earned at PUC will be recognized by and equivalent to those of other accredited universities abroad. Rank:551,227 Worth:$1,300

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the Royal University of Phnom Penh – the oldest and largest University in Cambodia—whose history dates back to 1960 Rank:2,930,350 Worth:$100

Welcome to University of Puthisastra | university of health sciences – University of Health Science and Technology in Cambodia

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