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IP address is registered for United States. The server carries IP located at latitude 40.2338 and longitude -111.659, time zone is GMT -7. Server location in Utah, Provo, United States, zipcode 84601.

Soil Safe recycles of soils contaminated with petroleum, petroleum derivatives, and metals and uses the resulting Product in a variety of recycled applications, mostly to make degraded land with poor geotechnical conditions ready for development. We service East Coast soil customers from Connecticut to Virginia at our Logan Township, NJ, Metro12 Carteret, NJ, and Brandywine, MD facilities, and our West Coast customers at our Adelanto Thermal Desorption facility. We create large end-markets for our soil cement product to develop properties for third party developers and control more than 8 million tons of capacity at our owned-properties. At Soil Safe, we maintain our position as the leader in the soil recycling, remediation and development by providing professional turnkey services by eliminating environmental liability and meet the site and soil-specific needs of our clients. We look forward to your inquiry.

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