The Australian Ballet is one of the world’s premier ballet companies and has delivered extraordinary performances for over 60 years across Australia.
Willkommen im führenden Museum für Design und visuelle Kommunikation der Schweiz – an zwei Standorten in Zürich.
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Through its collection, exhibitions, programmes and partnerships, Mudam Luxembourg aims to advance its mission to collect, present and make accessible the most relevant art of our times, for the largest public possible.
À Caen, découvrez un musée consacré à l’histoire du XXe siècle : la Seconde Guerre mondiale, le Débarquement de juin 1944 et la Bataille de Normandie… Préparez votre visite dès aujourd’hui !
Florence Nightingale Museum London – Visit the Florence Nightingale Museum in London and discover the world's most important collection of material relating to the founder of modern nursing, a celebrated English social reformer and statistician
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Must see attraction in Fort Myers FL, Edison Ford Winter Estates feature museum, botanical garden, laboratory, and homes of Thomas Edison & Henry Ford.
La Venaria Reale
Venture through five floors jam-packed with over 100 illusions and discover the best rooftop views of Edinburgh. Britain’s most fun day out.
Koninklijk Paleis Amsterdam - Paleis Amsterdam
Der Hangar-7 am Salzburg Airport ist ein einzigartiges Gebäude, welches eine Sammlung von historischen Flugzeugen der Flying Bulls sowie Formel-1-Rennwagen beherbergt.
Founded in 1973 as Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, LMCC serves, connects and makes space for artists and community.
Scuderie del Quirinale
Teatr Wielki w Warszawie to gmach, który mieści trzy teatry: operowy (Opera Narodowa), baletowy (Polski Balet Narodowy) oraz dramatyczny (Teatr Narodowy). Posiada największą scenę operowo-baletową w Europie. Sprawdź Repertuar, Bilety, najnowsze wiadomości, informacje o twórcach, działaniach dla dzieci, Konkursie Moniuszkowskim, Muzeum Teatralnym, kulisach i 250-letniej historii Teatru. Dowiedz się, jakie były losy Teatru Wielkiego na przestrzeni wieków.
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Throughout its history, the Locarno Film Festival has occupied a unique position in the landscape of the major film festivals. Every August, for eleven days the…
Welcome to Video Data Bank | Video Data Bank
e-flux is a publishing platform and archive, artist project, curatorial platform, and enterprise which was founded in 1998.
Museum of Chinese in America
Lombardia Beni Culturali è il portale del patrimonio culturale lombardo: arte, architettura, storia, fotografia, scienza e tecnologia.
Admission to the Springfield Museums covers five world-class museums of art, history, science, and Dr. Seuss.
Welcome to
We're here on Gateshead quayside with a warm welcome and four floors of art to explore. From sculptural myth-worlds to burning oil fields, discover something different at Baltic.
Łazienki Królewskie, Letnia Rezydencja Króla Stanisława Augusta to magiczne i niezwykłe ogrody, które koniecznie musisz odwiedzić.
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Histoire France, guide tourisme en France, patrimoine, gastronomie, livres d'Histoire de France. Articles et chroniques : coutumes, légendes, traditions, métiers, événements du jour, personnages historiques, fêtes, costumes, faune, flore, superstitions, rites, festivités, moeurs, mots d'histoire, art de vivre, éphéméride, dates importantes. Magazine d'histoire, annuaire régions, généalogie, ancêtres. Terroir français, chambres d'hôtes, gîtes, hébergements vacances, communes et départements de France. Revue historique et patrimoniale. Familles, généalogie, ancêtres, cours d'Histoire, librairie livres d'histoire et CD audio, dates clés. L'éphéméride, évenements historiques du jour, chronologie rois de France, télécharger Second Life, île francophone virtuelle, jeu Histofoly
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BobAtkins Photography has been an online presence for over 20 years and is an unbiased source of hands-on equipment reviews, tutorials on optics and photography, information about the Canon EOS system and digital photography in general. There's a lot here, so be sure to use the search function to help you find what you are looking for
Liverpool Biennial is the largest festival of contemporary visual art in the UK. Taking place every two years across the city in public spaces, galleries and museums, the Biennial commissions international artists to make and present work in the context of Liverpool. It is underpinned by a year-round programme of research, education, residencies and commissions.
Museum of Tolerance
Britain's leading military history magazine
The Most Luxurious Train in the World - Rovos Rail
The Hepworth Wakefield is open Tuesday to Sunday, 10am – 5pm. Closed on Mondays. Entry to The Hepworth Wakefield is £12 / £10 / FREE for Members, Wakefield District residents and under 18s. Ticket includes entry to all our gallery spaces on the day of visit.
Museum of American Finance | Museum of American Finance
Hillwood Home | Hillwood Estate, Museum and Garden
Vertraute Realität Künstler Kunst Kunstwerk Maler Malerei Acryl Waltrop Kanal darstellenden Kunst Realist Realistische Malerei
Один из лучших музеев Москвы, где вы можете провести время со своей семьей в тишине и прохладе залов основной экспозиции или на многочисленных интересных и познавательных выставках. Интерактивные экспонаты и мультимедийные шоу не позволят вам заскучать во время изучения эволюционных теорий и познания растительного и животного мира. Ваши дети смогут найти возможность развлечь себя в экспозиции и втянуть вас в увлекательный процесс получения новых неожиданных знаний. Но не только экспозиция музея привлекает наших гостей: семейные тематические праздники, мастер-классы, практические занятия, кружки и клубы все это создает живую и насыщенную жизнь нашего музея.
Trabajamos en gestión cultural. Concebimos y desarrollamos proyectos culturales. Editorial, Galería, Festivales, Formación, Consultoría, Proyectos.
Het Bonnefanten in Maastricht presenteert verrassende vaste collecties en wisselende tentoonstellingen van niet-mainstream kunst en kunstenaars.
Aktualności - NID
Mary Ellen Mark
WaterFire Providence - WaterFire Providence
Münchner Stadtmuseum - Website Münchner Stadtmuseum
Vintage Calculators: old mechanical & electronic calculators; british hand-held & desk; british sterling currency £sd calculators; comptometers; photographs showing the old technology including early integrated circuits and delay line memories; collector showing pictures of collection from many years of collecting.
Art Business: Advisor, Consultant, Appraiser, Broker, News, Marketing
In this tranquil oasis you’ll find one of the world’s great collections of works by Auguste Rodin—and the only dedicated Rodin Museum outside France.
The charity responsible for Birmingham Symphony Hall, home of the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, and Town Hall, the city's most iconic historic bui
Ga mee op reis door ons maritieme heden, verleden en toekomst in het Maritiem Museum ✔️ #1 museum in Rotterdam voor grote én kleine avonturiers ✔️
Louisville Slugger Museum & Factory
Architektur, Museum, Frankfurt, Deutschland,
The Art History Archive - Art Resources for Students and Academics
Rezydencja wilanowska to pałac, jego dekoracje i dzieła sztuki, ogrody i rzeźby w parku, a także liczne budowle i pomniki wznoszone tu od 1677 roku. Rezydencja wilanowska zachowała ślady dawnych mieszkańców, ich zainteresowań i obyczajów, a także kolekcję dzieł sztuki, które tu gromadzili. Muzeum wilanowskie jest miejscem pamięci o wydarzeniach, które składają się na historię Rzeczypospolitej, a podróż do Wilanowa - nawet jeśli jest tylko podróżą wirtualną - pozwala dotknąć tego, co w naszej tradycji istotne i co jest częścią wspólnej kultury europejskiej.
Understanding Race
A collection of stories and poems by Edgar Allan Poe with vocabulary words, a biography, image gallery, and a timeline of Poe's life
English Folk Dance and Song Society - English Folk Dance and Song Society: The National Organisation for the Development of the Folk Arts
The DuSable Black History Museum and Education Center is a Chicago community institution and the first non-profit Museum dedicated to the
For 17 days and nights each spring, Spoleto Festival USA fills Charleston, South Carolinas historic theaters, churches, and outdoor spaces with over 120 performances by renowned artists as well as emerging performers in disciplines ranging from opera, theater, music theater, dance, and chamber, symphonic, choral, and jazz music, as well as the visual arts.
Die Burg Greifenstein ist eine der größten Feudalburgen Deutschlands.
Oliver Jeffers is a visual artist and author working in painting, bookmaking, illustration, collage, performance and sculpture.
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The Museum of the Future welcomes people of all ages to see, touch, and shape our shared future. Go on a journey through possible futures and bring hope and knowledge back to the present.
Art galleries, art museums, arts-related websites: artists, music, literature: a comprehensive directory of top websites.
Проверка на автоматические запросы | Артхив
Thanks to the most recent virtual projection technology you will become a part of the spectacular, incomparable universe of Vincent Van Gogh.
Antony Gormley
The Eiteljorg Museum of American Indians and Western Art is the place to hear America's stories through art and cultural objects.
[Archive] Algonkian Writer Conferences supports Web del Sol, a community and portal for the literary world which hosts several top literary journals and writer blogs.
The Wolfsonian–FIU, located in the heart of the Art Deco District in Miami, is a museum, library and research center that uses its collection to illustrate the persuasive power of art and design.
L’Accademia di Francia a Roma – Villa Medici, fulcro della vita culturale romana ed europea, si trova sulla collina del Pincio, nel cuore di Roma.
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Fort Mason Center for Arts & Culture is a non-profit organization hosting thousands of cultural events annually and nearly two dozen arts organizations. 12 unique event venues for private or public events in San Francisco make FMCAC an ideal venue. View our calendar of upcoming public events or book your event today!
Die ganze Welt der Kunst – aktuelle Berichte, die Klassiker der Kunstgeschichte und das Beste aus Fotografie und Architektur.
Devo is the cloud-native logging and security analytics solution that delivers real-time visibility for security and operations teams.
Mustafa Ayaz Müzesi ve Plastik Sanatlar Merkezi Vakfı
Atlanta's national theater, expanding hearts and minds on stage and off. We will lead the national field by deeply engaging with our local community, modeling radical inclusion and catalytic experiences on our stages, in our classrooms, and throughout Atlanta. We believe that acknowledging and embracing differences in identity is essential to a dynamic cultural conversation. This is why we are committed to equity, diversity, and inclusion in all areas of our organization and programming.