Did.gov.kz Web Analysis and Statistics

Website Summary

  • When was the website Did.gov.kz released?

    Did.gov.kz was registered on March 19, 2020 (4 years 8 months 15 days ago).

  • What is the traffic rank for Did.gov.kz?

    Website Did.gov.kz ranked 29,702 globally and 48 in Kazakhstan.

  • How many people visit Did.gov.kz each day?

    Did.gov.kz has about 40,000 visits and 170,000 pageviews per day.

  • Which countries does Did.gov.kz receive most of its visitors from?

    Did.gov.kz is mostly visited by people located in Kazakhstan.

  • How much does Did.gov.kz earn a month?

    Each month Did.gov.kz can earn $8,700 from advertising revenue.

  • How much is Did.gov.kz worth?

    Estimated value of Did.gov.kz is $210,000

  • What IP addresses does Did.gov.kz resolve to?

    Did.gov.kz resolves to the IP addresses

  • Where is Did.gov.kz server located?

    Did.gov.kz's server is located in Nur-sultan, Nur-sultan, Kazakhstan, 020000.

  • Who is registrar of Did.gov.kz domain?

    The did.gov.kz domain is registered and managed by National Information Technologies JSC

Did.gov.kz's metrics:

Global traffic rank:
Traffic rank in Kazakhstan:
Domain authority:
23 / 100
Referring Domains:
Daily income:
Estimated Worth:
Website category:

HTML Analysis

HTML resources breakdown:

The homepage of did.gov.kz contains 37 resources, the total size is 1.85 MB. They are distributed as follows:

Resource type Resource count Size Percent
Document 1 1.29 KB 0.1 %
Image 2 1.24 KB 0.1 %
Font 4 81.01 KB 4.3 %
Script 10 1.44 MB 77.9 %
Stylesheet 4 46.78 KB 2.5 %
Media 0 0 0 %
Other 16 287.64 KB 15.2 %

In addition, the did.gov.kz homepage also uses 17 third-party resources, the total size is 429.34 KB.

HTTP Header:

Http-Version: 1.1
Status-Code: 200
Status: 200 OK
Server: nginx
Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2022 02:14:20 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Connection: keep-alive
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Last-Modified: Thu, 14 Apr 2022 11:48:08 GMT
ETag: W/"625809f8-c91"
Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors 'none'
Content-Encoding: gzip
content-length: 1578

Did.gov.kz Traffic Analysis

Daily unique visitors:
Daily pageviews:
Daily pageviews per visitor:
Daily time on site:
4:22 minutes
Bounce rate:
63.0 %
Monthly visits:
Annual visits:

Traffic by country:

# Country Traffic Percent Country Rank
1 🇰🇿 Kazakhstan 99.7% 48

Top keywords by traffic:

Keyword Search traffic
digital id 80.86%
digital 15.95%
диджитал 3.2%

Google Lighthouse Audit

Google Lighthouse is an open-source, automated tool for measuring the quality of web pages. Google Lighthouse audits websites on two separate mobile and desktop environments. Audit results are based on scores from 1-100 and are divided into 5 parts:

  • Performance: This is the most important part, it evaluates the performance of your website. Performance based on Core Web Vitals and key parameters such as First Contentful Paint (FCP), First Input Delay (FID), Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS).
  • Accessibility: Test user accessibility to your web application.
  • Best Practices: Website Trust and Safety testing, extensions, XSS, HTTPS...
  • SEO (on page): These checks ensure that your page is following basic search engine optimization advice.
  • Progressive Web App (PWA): Check out the modern technologies used on your web app.

Here are the results of the Google Lighthouse audit for the website did.gov.kz:

On Mobile

Best Practices
0-49 50-89 90-100

On Desktop

Best Practices
SEO (on page)

Did.gov.kz SSL Certificate Information

did.gov.kz supports HTTPS with the following certificate information:

Common name: clients.did.gov.kz
SANs: clients.did.gov.kz, did.gov.kz, moderation.did.gov.kz, www.did.gov.kz
Serial Number: 04EB28CBB244A9D80212CADA89C470C5FDEA
Signature Algorithm: RSA-SHA256
Issuer: R3
Fingerprint: 5bdacca07a4b8da99266cc441cacbf9a4036f6ee
FingerprintSha256: e1b6a9fffc187a262a545345f1d504b6a9521b7be89d397fa9c2578fee4e0a90

Did.gov.kz Domain Name Information

Domain TLD:
Domain Registrar:
National Information Technologies JSC
Registration Date:
March 19, 2020
Domain Age:
4 years 8 months 15 days

Domain Nameserver Information:

Host IP Address Country
ns3.nitec.kz 🇰🇿 Kazakhstan
ns4.nitec.kz 🇰🇿 Kazakhstan

Full WHOIS Lookup:

Whois Server for the KZ top level domain name.
This server is maintained by KazNIC Organization, a ccTLD manager for Kazakhstan Republic.

Domain Name............: did.gov.kz

Organization Using Domain Name
Name...................: National Information Technologies JSC
Organization Name......: National Information Technologies JSC
Street Address.........: 12-1 D.Kunayev str.
City...................: Nur-Sultan
State..................: 010000
Postal Code............: Nur-Sultan
Country................: KZ

Administrative Contact/Agent
NIC Handle.............: RegNitec
Name...................: National Information Technologies JSC
Phone Number...........: +77172741149 1234
Fax Number.............:
Email Address..........: [email protected]

Nameserver in listed order

Primary server.........: ns3.nitec.kz
Primary ip address.....:

Secondary server.......: ns4.nitec.kz
Secondary ip address...:

Domain created: 2020-03-19 23:42:38 (GMT+0:00)
Last modified : 2020-03-19 23:47:10 (GMT+0:00)
Domain status : ok - Normal state.

Registar created: NIT.KZ
Current Registar: NIT.KZ

Did.gov.kz Server Information

Server IP Address:
Hosted Country:
🇰🇿 Kazakhstan
Latitude, longitude:
51.1801 , 71.446
Nur-sultan, Nur-sultan, Kazakhstan, 020000

DNS Record Analysis:

Host Type TTL Extra
did.gov.kz A 86400 IP:
did.gov.kz NS 38400 Target: ns4.nitec.kz
did.gov.kz NS 38400 Target: ns3.nitec.kz
did.gov.kz SOA 86400 MNAME: ns4.nitec.kz
RNAME: telecom.nitec.kz
Serial: 2020032003
Refresh: 10800
Retry: 3600
Expire: 604800
Minimum TTL: 86400

2 websites similar to Did.gov.kz

1.Egov.kz(25% similarity)

egov.kz Rank:3,540 Worth:$2,000,000 DA:56

Қазақстан Республикасының Электрондық үкіметі |

2.Enpf.kz(18% similarity)

enpf.kz Rank:33,349 Worth:$190,000

Официальный сайт пенсионного фонда Казахстана, где вы можете найти новости, узнать о своих пенсионных накоплениях, рассчитать пенсию и узнать адреса и контакты отделений фонда

Typos of Did.gov.kz

Sometimes, misspellings make a good domain name. And spelling errors are also a great way to create keywords for SEO. And the following are all possible typos of Did.gov.kz. You can use them for competitive domain name search or for SEO strategies for Did.gov.kz:

  1. sid.gov.kz
  2. xid.gov.kz
  3. cid.gov.kz
  4. fid.gov.kz
  5. rid.gov.kz
  6. eid.gov.kz
  7. dud.gov.kz
  8. djd.gov.kz
  9. dkd.gov.kz
  10. dod.gov.kz
  11. d9d.gov.kz
  12. d8d.gov.kz
  13. dis.gov.kz
  14. dix.gov.kz
  15. dic.gov.kz
  16. dif.gov.kz
  17. dir.gov.kz
  18. die.gov.kz
  19. id.gov.kz
  20. dd.gov.kz
  21. di.gov.kz
  22. idd.gov.kz
  23. ddi.gov.kz
  24. ddid.gov.kz
  25. diid.gov.kz
  26. didd.gov.kz

Thank you for reading our analysis & statistics about Did.gov.kz website. If you find it interesting, please share it with your friends. If you have any suggestions, please comment below or contact us.

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