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As a non-profit cooperative financial institution, UMassFive College Federal Credit Union is owned by and operated exclusively for the benefit of our members.
Accueil | Les Scic
Organización de Comercio Justo cuya misión es transformar el entorno económico y social para construir un mundo más justo y sostenible.
We’re in Pittsburgh’s East End. We were before our time and some people say we’re still ahead of it. One thing’s for sure, we’re an awesome grocery store with organic, fresh and local food.
Wedge Lyndale: your bustling, vibrant urban market. Wedge Linden Hills: your friendly neighborhood store.
Tradeschool Everywhere
Nous bâtissons une économie sociale, responsable et durable pour les organismes communautaires, les coopératives et les OBNL. Faites partie du mouvement.
At Freedom Credit Union, our idea of freedom is supporting yours,with products, programs and perks that benefit you.
Magic Valley Electric Cooperative, empowering Rio Grande Valley communities with reliable and affordable electricity since 1937.
Credit union in El Paso offers financial services including loans, savings, checking, and credit cards. Discover personal & business options.
Sudha Milk – Sudha Milk and Milk Products
GO LOCAL is a network of locally-owned businesses, non-profits and government agencies in Sonoma County, CA. Focusing on economic development marketing, GO LOCAL works to shift more market share to LOCAL for a stronger local economy and community.
Acteur de l'Economie Solidaire, avec COOPANAME vous pouvez Travailler avec Autonomie & Entreprendre avec Solidarité. Lancez-Vous avec Nous !
Des appareils plus éthiques et durables. La coopérative Commown propose de faire durer le matériel informatique grâce à la location longue durée.
Vermont Electric Cooperative is a member-owned electric distribution utility that provides safe, affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy services.
Voted Bellingham's best grocery store. Shop organic, local & natural groceries or grab to-go meals made in-house. Everyone can shop & anyone can join!
Honest Weight Food Co-op is Albany's Homegrown Grocery Store for Natural, Organic and Local Food, open to the public seven days a week
The Federation of Southern Cooperatives/Land Assistance Fund provides cooperative economic development, land retention, and advocacy to Black farmers, landowners, and cooperatives across the Southern Region.
Share in the benefits of membership in Australasia's largest automotive cooperative.
As the state's largest circulation publication, we share the faces and places that identify the Palmetto State from the mountains to the sea. Our topics include food, travel, events, home and garden, and wise energy use.
NewB propose une gamme complète de produits bancaires et d'assurance durables en partenariat avec des acteurs engagés. Votre argent devient ainsi un moteur de changement positif pour la société et la planète.
Kauai Island Utility Cooperative was formed in November of 2002 and is one of America’s newest electric cooperatives; one of approximately 900 electric cooperatives serving electric consumers in 48 states. KIUC operates as a not-for-profit organization that is owned by its members and governed by an elected board of directors.
Cooperative Development Institute (CDI) is the source for cooperative development in the Northeast. CDI is a regional 501(c)3 non-profit founded in 1994 by co-op leaders in the Northeast. Our mission is to create and sustain democratically owned, cooperative enterprises and networks in the Northeast that grow a prosperous and equitable economy. We envision a world where everyone can fulfill their needs and aspirations.
People's Food Co-op
Buy camera film and darkroom supplies from Parallax Photographic Coop. Visit our shop in Brixton, London or buy film online.
Welcome to Citizens! We are a regional full service communications provider offering land-line telephone, VoIP, IPTV Video, web and e-mail hosting, DSL, and FTTP (Fiber to the Premise: Business Ethernet and FTTH, Fiber to the Home), serving 7 counties in Southwest Virginia.
Milwaukee’s coop-owned natural food and organic grocery store, featuring quality organics, and vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, and other specialty diet foods.
Affordable Student Housing | Berkeley Student Cooperative
At CoastHills Credit Union, we serve the Central Coast of California with affordable car loans, home loans, business loans, and interest-earning checking accounts.
Firestorm is a radical bookstore co-operative & community event space in Asheville, NC. Browse staff picks, bestsellers, and more!
Discover a community-owned co-op that provides fresh, local, organic, sustainable food and products of the highest quality, at Lakewinds Food Co-op.
Whole Foods Co•op | Your Whole Foods Co-op in Duluth, MN
The League serves Wisconsin's credit unions & members by promoting the credit union difference through advocacy, education, & public service.
La catena di oltre 80 librerie e Shops in tutta Italia. Prenota e ritira i tuoi libri oppure acquista online libri ed ebook! Vantaggi per i Soci Coop
We are a worker-owned tech cooperative building websites and other online tools using free software.
Die besten Apfelsorten, Beeren, Marillen, Kirschen und Gemüsesorten aus dem Anbaugebiet Vinschgau. Jetzt entdecken!
Coopérer Pour Entreprendre
La Coope es una empresa diferente. Una empresa de la economía social, constituída para prestar servicios económicos, sociales y culturales a sus asociados.
Crowdmatching for Public Goods — Snowdrift.coop
The National Credit Union Foundation is the charitable arm of the credit union movement working to improves people's financial lives.
Fair Trade, Organic Certified, Shade Grown, Small Batch Roasted Coffee in Madison, WI
Fédération des coopératives d'habitation montérégiennes - CQCH
Greener energy from the UK's largest investor in solar generation. Your Co-op Energy in partnership with Octopus Energy.
Infinity Foods is one of the UK's leading wholesale distributors of Organic and natural foods.
Delaware Electric Cooperative is a member-owned electric distribution company serving 84,000 members in Kent and Sussex County, Delaware.
Black Star | Austin Brew Pub
hostsharing.coop ist die Mastodon-Instanz für Mitglieder der Hostsharing eG. Sie wird seit 2018 von der Hosting-Genossenschaft betrieben.
The Tech Co-op: index
Union-made. Cooperatively owned. Visit our taproom to find our newest beers, fresh apparel, and special events.
Get the details about the IFFCO who has expanded their presence across the India and in the global market through strategic acquisitions and joint ventures
National Rural Telecommunications Cooperative | NRTC - National Rural Telecommunications Cooperative | NRTC
An independent co-op based in Lincoln with 300,000 members and more than 220 outlets including food stores, travel branches, pharmacies, funeral homes, post offices and a florist.
Grocer.coop – Cooperative Grocer Network
NASCO | Educating and organizing an emerging generation of cooperators.
From booming suburbs to remote rural farming communities, Alabama’s electric cooperatives are energy providers and engines of economic development. Statewide,
Coop Food Stores | Community-Owned Since 1936
Pour un commerce équitable engagé - Produits gourmands et équitables issus exclusivement de l'agriculture paysanne bio : café arabica, chocolat, thé, riz, quinoa, jus de fruits...
At the co-op, fresh, delicious food is just the beginning. Nourish your family. Discover local foods. Connect with others. Build a strong community.
La revista de economía que vas a entender.
WAF Alert
Wedge Lyndale: your bustling, vibrant urban market. Wedge Linden Hills: your friendly neighborhood store.
Cevagraf, Imprenta Online Offset y Digital con los mejores precios, especialistas en libros, revistas, catálogos, agendas, libretas. Revisión Gratis.
NCG helps food co-ops optimize operational and marketing resources, strengthen purchasing power, and offer more value to food co-op shoppers everywhere.
La plateforme de financement participatif dédiée aux projets écologiques, solidaires et culturels pour leur campagne de don ou de prévente.
Offerle Cooperative Grain & Supply Company - Homepage
LeRoy Coop - Homepage
Coop de Mà · Consultoria que treballa en l’àmbit jurídic, laboral, fiscal i econòmic per ajudar a estructurar a nivell societari, organitzatiu i de gestió a entitats de l’economia social, entenent aquesta, com una economia al servei de les persones. | Consultoria que treballa en l’àmbit jurídic, laboral, fiscal i econòmic per ajudar a estructurar a nivell societari, organitzatiu i de gestió a entitats de l’economia social, entenent aquesta, com una economia al servei de les persones.
Rangeland Cooperatives, Inc. - Homepage
Ouvaton.coop – La Coopérative d'hébergement numérique
Banco cooperativo de finanzas éticas. Operativa del día a día, cuentas corrientes, tarjetas, financiación, depósitos y servicios para empresas.
Co-operative Party – Sharing Power & Wealth
A software solutions partner to the broadband and utility industries for more than 50 years. Forward thinking and Member focused. Learn more today.
Seward Co-op is a community owned, consumer co-op. Everyone is welcome to shop at Seward Co-op. Franklin and Friendship Stores and Co-op Creamery Café.
Weaver Street Market - Your Community-Owned Natural Foods Grocery Store - Open seven days a week, with locations in Carrboro, Southern Village in Chapel Hill, Hillsborough, and Raleigh NC.
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Cooperativas de las Américas es una organización no gubernamental independiente que reúne, representa y sirve a organizaciones cooperativas de las (...)
Your Co-op, Doing Good Together
Samen investeren in welvaart en welzijn Samen met zo’n 400.000 vennoten investeert Cera in onze samenleving en bouwt aan een sterke coöperatie. Door de krachten te bundelen met vennoten en partners creëert Cera samen met hen economische en maatschappelijke meerwaarde.
El avance hacia la utopía requiere de muchas batallas pero, sin duda, la primera es la batalla cultural