You can register a domain name through Ascio Technologies, Inc. Danmark - Filial af Ascio technologies, Inc. USA by visiting http://www.ascio.com
EBAA works to improve safety standards and share knowledge, to positive regulation, and to ease all aspects of air transportation.
A Standard that supports communities and smallholders on the forefront of the climate crisis. Support projects and tackle climate change through carbon credits.
CCINE – Sito Ufficiale delle CCINE
Wir leisten weltweit Nothilfe und Entwicklungshilfe, helfen Frauen und Kindern in Not, weltweit und in Deutschland. Spenden Sie jetzt!
Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre
MeteoAlarm provides the most relevant information required to prepare for extreme weather events that are anticipated to occur in Europe.
frontness.io/dittnamn - digitalt visitkort & hemsida
We're Human8, the human-driven consultancy that connects your brand with people and culture to drive positive change.
The Small Business Charter (SBC) is an award for the UK’s world-class business schools. The SBC award celebrates business schools that play an effective role in supporting small businesses, local economies and student entrepreneurship.
Civil Rights Defenders is an international human rights organisation. Our vision is a world of democratic societies in which we enjoy our civil and political rights. We partner with and support human rights defenders in some of the world’s most repressive regions. We act as Sweden’s civil rights watchdog.
Eco Schools
Historical statistics of Sweden online
Welcome to Norma, please select your market.
Frontpage - Finland abroad: United States of America
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www.pvcycle.org – PV CYCLE offers collective and tailor-made waste management and legal compliance services
Semicyuc – Los Profesionales Del Enfermo Crítico
We are a global advocacy organisation that exists to end neglected tropical diseases by mobilising resources
IABSE - International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering
Kinderwens vzw wil ouders met een kinderwens op maat voorbereiden, ondersteunen en begeleiden. Onze erkende Kinderwensconsulenten & vormingsmedewerkers ondersteunen je graag tijdens de periode van kinderwens. Ook als deze weg niet vanzelfsprekend verloopt.
IMGT, the international ImMunoGeneTics information system for immunoglobulins or antibodies, T cell receptors, MH, immunoglobulin superfamily IgSF and MhSF. Expertly annotated databases and on-line tools (IMGT/V-QUEST, IMGT/JunctionAnalysis) for gene sequences, genetics and protein 3D structures. Molecular biology, genetics, immunology of antigen receptors, in immunoinformatics, clinical and veterinary research, genome diversity studies and antibody engineering
The European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) is a multi-professional organisation whose aim is to promote the health of children with special attention to the gastrointestinal tract, liver and nutritional status, through knowledge creation, the dissemination of science based information, the promotion of best practice in the delivery of care and the provision of high quality education for paediatric gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition professionals in Europe and beyond.
Deployer is a tool for deploying PHP applications to a remote server.
Graeae Theatre Company. Productions across the UK, creative learning & training opportunities & rehearsal space hire at award-winning Bradbury Studios.
Veřejnost nemá čas, prostředky a vytrvalost věnovat se řešení konkrétních problémů ve veřejném zájmu. Vyžaduje to mnoho úsilí a výsledek je nejistý. Právě proto je tu Kverulant.org, který se do takových kauz systematicky pouští již od roku 2009. Když mocní s veřejností nehrají fér, bráníme ji. Dosahujeme konkrétních pozitivních změn ve veřejném životě. Kverulant ctí právní řád, a pochybné postupy se mu příčí. Jeho silou je důkladné využití všech zákonných možností, zájem a podpora veřejnosti. Kverulant odhaluje korupci a plýtvání. Kverulant podává návrhy, stížnosti, žaloby, trestní oznámení. Píše otevřené dopisy vládě, institucím, poslancům i senátorům. Obtěžuje orgány státní i místní správy s cílem sjednat nápravu. Dílčí úspěch ho neuspokojí. Slovo kverulant se do mnoha evropských jazyků dostalo z latinského quaerere: ptát se, hledat. Kdyby nebylo věčných stížností, že v jeskyni je tma a vlhko, neměli bychom ani oheň. Kdo není kverulant, ten jen mlčí a jde, kam se mu ukáže. kverulant.org
Euralex – European Association for Lexicography
The lgbt Social Magazine. Offriamo a tutti l'opportunità di comunicare più facilmente e di scoprire il mondo lgbt divertendosi.
Hostpoint AG, The Data Residence
Commercial Suicide – Record label of drum & bass artist Klute. Roster includes Digital, Spirit, Mindscape, Nymfo, Invaderz and many more
Thomas Cole National Historic Site
A feature complete BitTorrent protocol implementation as a C++ library
Nyrstar is a leading manufacturer of zinc, lead and other metals and committed to sourcing, mining and processing metals in a sustainable way. 150+ years of history
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Platforma Obywatelska
Farming First is a multi-stakeholder coalition, not an organisation itself. The coalition enjoys the support of more than 180 organisations representing the world’s farmers, scientists, engineers and industry as well as agricultural development organisations.
Birdfont – A free font editor for TTF, OTF and SVG fonts
IASC-ISI | International Association for Statistical Computing
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GreenPan created the original healthy ceramic nonstick cookware. It is the trusted go-to brand for non-toxic, easy to clean and easy to use pots and pans. Manufacturers of the top rated ceramic nonstick pans. Our pans are PFOA, PFAS and teflon free.
Artnews.org - Contemporary Art
W4B: Watch4beauty
Guitar chords - chord charts & playing tips
Opendays.com - the university and college open day directory
The official website of the classic rock band UFO
Encyclopedia about Estonia
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Business Networking Your Way. Network Central combines online social networking with the UK's largest joined up face to-face business network
OUTDOOR CLUB HANACE – Vodácký a turistický oddíl HANACE České Budějovice
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The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
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Irungo Udalaren zerbitzu elektronikoen ataria. Informazioa, Partehartzailetza eta Tramitazioa.
With members in 77 countries, we are the world's largest environmental education organisation. Through our five groundbreaking programmes we help communities around the world live a more sustainable life.
Die Telekom Austria Group ist das größte Kommunikationsunternehmen Österreichs und auch international erfolgreich positioniert. Mehr über unsere Geschäftsfelder finden Sie unter M2M, Wholesale und International Sales.
Welkom op de website van de enige Vlaams Nationale partij, het Vlaams Belang in Vlaanderen.
The We Are Water foundation, initiated by Roca, is committed to taking actions towards improving the world's water crisis: influencing public opinion in order to promote a new water culture, increasing knowledge of sustainable water management and engaging in projects to alleviate the negative effects of the lack of water and sanitation in the most affected areas of the planet.
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Tideway is building a 25km Super Sewer under the Thames to intercept those nasty spills and clean up our river for the good of London, its wildlife and you.
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AntennaPod is a podcast player that is completely open. The app is open-source and you can subscribe to any RSS feed. AntennaPod is built by volunteers without commercial intere...
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World Hepatitis Alliance – Fighting for a world free from viral hepatitis