Edesur.com.ar Web Analysis and Statistics
Website Summary
When was the website Edesur.com.ar released?
Edesur.com.ar was registered on June 27, 1997 (27 years 6 months 26 days ago).
What is the traffic rank for Edesur.com.ar?
Website Edesur.com.ar ranked 69,217 globally and 710 in Argentina.
How many people visit Edesur.com.ar each day?
Edesur.com.ar has about 17,000 visits and 75,000 pageviews per day.
Which countries does Edesur.com.ar receive most of its visitors from?
Edesur.com.ar is mostly visited by people located in Argentina.
How much does Edesur.com.ar earn a month?
Each month Edesur.com.ar can earn $3,900 from advertising revenue.
How much is Edesur.com.ar worth?
Estimated value of Edesur.com.ar is $90,000
Edesur.com.ar's metrics:
- Global traffic rank:
- 69,217
- Traffic rank in Argentina:
- 710
- Referring Domains:
- 67
- Daily income:
- $130.00
- Estimated Worth:
- $90,000
- Website category:
Edesur.com.ar Traffic Analysis
- Daily unique visitors:
- 17,000
- Daily pageviews:
- 75,000
- Daily pageviews per visitor:
- 4.4
- Daily time on site:
- 5:14 minutes
- Traffic from search engine:
- 39.0 %
- Bounce rate:
- 16.0 %
- Monthly visits:
- 510,000
- Annual visits:
- 6,205,000
Traffic by country:
Top keywords by traffic:
Edesur.com.ar Domain Name Information
- Domain TLD:
- com.ar
- Registration Date:
- June 27, 1997
- Expiration Date:
- June 27, 2024
- Domain Age:
- 27 years 6 months 26 days
Domain Nameserver Information:
Full WHOIS Lookup:
registrant: 30655116512
registrar: nicar
registered: 1997-06-27 00:00:00
changed: 2023-06-01 13:52:45.921386
expire: 2024-06-27 00:00:00
contact: 30655116512
name: EDESUR S A
registrar: nicar
created: 2013-09-09 00:00:00
changed: 2022-01-14 10:45:14.373769
nserver: dns1.advance.com.ar (
nserver: dns2.advance.com.ar (
registrar: nicar
created: 2016-06-30 21:59:03.477737
Edesur.com.ar Server Information
DNS Record Analysis:
RNAME: dominios.advance.com.ar
Serial: 2024011601
Refresh: 10800
Retry: 3600
Expire: 604800
Minimum TTL: 600
Target: mxa-0023ba01.gslb.pphosted.com
Target: mxb-0023ba01.gslb.pphosted.com
3 websites similar to Edesur.com.ar
1.Edenor.com(27% similarity)
Cuidá la energÃa. Sumate al consumo eficiente. Edenor.
2.Doxee.com(15% similarity)
Discover now Doxee: a hi-tech company that develops cloud technologies that enable companies and P.A. to offer a valuable Digital Customer Experience.
3.Pagomiscuentas.com(13% similarity)
PagoMisCuentas | Pagá impuestos, servicios, recargas y donaciones con tarjeta de débito y crédito | PagoMisCuentas
Typos of Edesur.com.ar
Sometimes, misspellings make a good domain name. And spelling errors are also a great way to create keywords for SEO. And the following are all possible typos of Edesur.com.ar. You can use them for competitive domain name search or for SEO strategies for Edesur.com.ar:
- wdesur.com.ar
- sdesur.com.ar
- ddesur.com.ar
- rdesur.com.ar
- 4desur.com.ar
- 3desur.com.ar
- esesur.com.ar
- exesur.com.ar
- ecesur.com.ar
- efesur.com.ar
- eresur.com.ar
- eeesur.com.ar
- edwsur.com.ar
- edssur.com.ar
- eddsur.com.ar
- edrsur.com.ar
- ed4sur.com.ar
- ed3sur.com.ar
- edeaur.com.ar
- edezur.com.ar
- edexur.com.ar
- ededur.com.ar
- edeeur.com.ar
- edewur.com.ar
- edesyr.com.ar
- edeshr.com.ar
- edesjr.com.ar
- edesir.com.ar
- edes8r.com.ar
- edes7r.com.ar
- edesue.com.ar
- edesud.com.ar
- edesuf.com.ar
- edesut.com.ar
- edesu5.com.ar
- edesu4.com.ar
- desur.com.ar
- eesur.com.ar
- edsur.com.ar
- edeur.com.ar
- edesr.com.ar
- edesu.com.ar
- deesur.com.ar
- eedsur.com.ar
- edseur.com.ar
- edeusr.com.ar
- edesru.com.ar
- eedesur.com.ar
- eddesur.com.ar
- edeesur.com.ar
- edessur.com.ar
- edesuur.com.ar
- edesurr.com.ar
Thank you for reading our analysis & statistics about Edesur.com.ar website. If you find it interesting, please share it with your friends. If you have any suggestions, please comment below or contact us.