Floridelux.ro Web Analysis and Statistics
Website Summary
When was the website Floridelux.ro released?
Floridelux.ro was registered on November 12, 2004 (20 years 2 months 13 days ago).
What is the traffic rank for Floridelux.ro?
Floridelux.ro website is ranked 3,456,025 globally.
How many people visit Floridelux.ro each day?
Floridelux.ro has about 45 visits and 50 pageviews per day.
How much does Floridelux.ro earn a month?
Each month Floridelux.ro can earn $5 from advertising revenue.
How much is Floridelux.ro worth?
Estimated value of Floridelux.ro is $23
What IP addresses does Floridelux.ro resolve to?
Floridelux.ro resolves to the IP addresses
Where is Floridelux.ro server located?
Floridelux.ro's server is located in Bucuresti, Bucharest, Romania, 060222.
Who is registrar of Floridelux.ro domain?
The floridelux.ro domain is registered and managed by ICI - Registrar
Floridelux.ro's metrics:
- Global traffic rank:
- 3,456,025
- Daily income:
- $0.15
- Estimated Worth:
- $23
- Google Analytics ID:
- UA-127968703-1
- Facebook App ID:
- 175181366741071
- Website category:
HTML Analysis
HTML Meta tags:
Title: Livrare flori online prin FloriDeLux.ro - florarie online Bucuresti
Description: Livrare flori online prin FloriDeLux.ro - florarie online Bucuresti. Flori cadou cu livrare in aceeasi zi, buchete flori
HTML Keywords: flori de lux, flori online, florarie online, livrare flori cadou, buchete flori
HTML elements:
- H1 Headings:
- 1
- H2 Headings:
- 34
- H3 Headings:
- 4
- H4 Headings:
- 0
- H5 Headings:
- 0
- H6 Headings:
- 0
- Total Images:
- 35
- Total IFRAMEs:
- 1
Links analysis:
- Total links:
- 114
- Internal links:
- 89
- Internal links (nofollow):
- 2
- External links:
- 9
- External links (nofollow):
- 0
HTTP Header:
Http-Version: 1.1
Status-Code: 200
Status: 200 OK
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2024 11:13:41 GMT
Server: Apache
Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT
Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Upgrade: h2,h2c
Connection: Upgrade
Vary: Accept-Encoding,User-Agent
Content-Encoding: gzip
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Length: 14012
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Floridelux.ro Traffic Analysis
- Daily unique visitors:
- 45
- Daily pageviews:
- 50
- Daily pageviews per visitor:
- 1.1
- Monthly visits:
- 1,350
- Annual visits:
- 16,425
Floridelux.ro SSL Certificate Information
Common name: autodiscover.floridelux.ro
SANs: autodiscover.floridelux.ro, cpanel.floridelux.ro, cpcalendars.floridelux.ro, cpcontacts.floridelux.ro, floridelux.ro, mail.floridelux.ro, webdisk.floridelux.ro, webmail.floridelux.ro, www.floridelux.ro
Serial Number: 0390CCD5E6DE26AB74D77997ABD77791E234
Signature Algorithm: RSA-SHA256
Issuer: R3
Fingerprint: e354de8c0707650b6d4662984691b694184c4c10
FingerprintSha256: 5d00acbacea400493fce909a3571ed839e44d1db9756c7aef3f59d9ed32aa543
Floridelux.ro Domain Name Information
- Domain TLD:
- ro
- Domain Registrar:
- ICI - Registrar
- Registration Date:
- November 12, 2004
- Expiration Date:
- January 15, 2034
- Domain Age:
- 20 years 2 months 13 days
- Domain Status:
- OK
Domain Nameserver Information:
Full WHOIS Lookup:
Registered On: 2004-11-12
Expires On: 2034-01-15
Registrar: ICI - Registrar
Referral URL: http://www.rotld.ro
DNSSEC: Inactive
Nameserver: ns1.hosterion.net
Nameserver: ns2.hosterion.net
Nameserver: ns1.hosterion.com
Nameserver: ns2.hosterion.com
Domain Status: OK
Floridelux.ro Server Information
- Server IP Address:
- Hosted Country:
- 🇷🇴 Romania
- Latitude, longitude:
- 44.4323 , 26.1061
- Location:
- Bucuresti, Bucharest, Romania, 060222
DNS Record Analysis:
RNAME: adminii.hosterion.com
Serial: 2024041503
Refresh: 3600
Retry: 1800
Expire: 1209600
Minimum TTL: 86400
Target: mail.floridelux.ro
Typos of Floridelux.ro
Sometimes, misspellings make a good domain name. And spelling errors are also a great way to create keywords for SEO. And the following are all possible typos of Floridelux.ro. You can use them for competitive domain name search or for SEO strategies for Floridelux.ro:
- dloridelux.ro
- cloridelux.ro
- vloridelux.ro
- gloridelux.ro
- tloridelux.ro
- rloridelux.ro
- fkoridelux.ro
- fporidelux.ro
- fooridelux.ro
- fliridelux.ro
- flkridelux.ro
- fllridelux.ro
- flpridelux.ro
- fl0ridelux.ro
- fl9ridelux.ro
- floeidelux.ro
- flodidelux.ro
- flofidelux.ro
- flotidelux.ro
- flo5idelux.ro
- flo4idelux.ro
- florudelux.ro
- florjdelux.ro
- florkdelux.ro
- florodelux.ro
- flor9delux.ro
- flor8delux.ro
- floriselux.ro
- florixelux.ro
- floricelux.ro
- florifelux.ro
- florirelux.ro
- florieelux.ro
- floridwlux.ro
- floridslux.ro
- floriddlux.ro
- floridrlux.ro
- florid4lux.ro
- florid3lux.ro
- floridekux.ro
- floridepux.ro
- florideoux.ro
- floridelyx.ro
- floridelhx.ro
- florideljx.ro
- floridelix.ro
- floridel8x.ro
- floridel7x.ro
- florideluz.ro
- florideluc.ro
- floridelud.ro
- floridelus.ro
- loridelux.ro
- foridelux.ro
- flridelux.ro
- floidelux.ro
- flordelux.ro
- florielux.ro
- floridlux.ro
- florideux.ro
- floridelx.ro
- floridelu.ro
- lforidelux.ro
- folridelux.ro
- flroidelux.ro
- floirdelux.ro
- flordielux.ro
- floriedlux.ro
- floridleux.ro
- florideulx.ro
- floridelxu.ro
- ffloridelux.ro
- flloridelux.ro
- flooridelux.ro
- florridelux.ro
- floriidelux.ro
- floriddelux.ro
- florideelux.ro
- floridellux.ro
- florideluux.ro
- florideluxx.ro
Thank you for reading our analysis & statistics about Floridelux.ro website. If you find it interesting, please share it with your friends. If you have any suggestions, please comment below or contact us.