NHEICC National Health Education Information Communication Center
NHEICC National Health Education Information Communication Center
Province Offices | सुदूरपश्चिम प्रदेश पोर्टल
पाँचखाल नगरपालिका | "पाँचखाल नगर-कृषि शहर"
Nepal Telecom
महान्यायाधिवक्ताको कार्यालय
गृह पृष्ठ | TSC
Curriculum Development Centre
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Xceltext, a product of Idea Inc. Pvt. Ltd., is a fast and reliable SMS gateway of Nepal providing its value added messaging services to both individuals and businesses. Xceltext has a very simple web interface. With Xceltext, there is no need of any software download or installation to send SMS. Also, Xceltext services are very economic in terms of costs. Xceltext provides both push and pull SMS services. “Push” is used to send text messages to people’s cell phones. Push technology is also used to send e-mail messages without having to check their e-mail manually. When a common message is to be spread to a large number of people simultaneously, that is called Bulk SMS. “Pull” is the ability to request services (e.g. ringtones, games) from a wireless handset via sending a preset SMS code to a predetermined number. The service requested is sent back to the handset via SMS. Examples of pull SMS include information-on-demand, subscription service, SMS-based games, SMS contests, opinion polls, and SMS voting services.
नेपाल कानुन पत्रिका
National public health :: Home
Province Offices | मधेश प्रदेश पोर्टल
सङ्घीय मामिला तथा सामान्य प्रशासन मन्त्रालय मुलुकको वृहत् कार्यक्षेत्र ओगटेको मन्त्रालय हो । यसको मुख्य जिम्मेवारी स्थानीय तहको विकास निर्माण र सेवा प्रवाहमा सहजीकरण गर्ने रहेको छ । यस मन्त्रालयले हाल ७७ वटा जिल्ला समन्वय समिति ६ वटा महानगरपालिका ११ उपमहानगरपालिका २७६ नगरपालिका र ४६० गापा गरी जम्मा ७५३ स्थानीय तहको काममा समन्वय सहजीकरण गर्नुको साथै क्षमता विकासमा टेवा पुर्याएको छ । यसमन्त्रालयले समावेशीकरण, सामाजिक परिचालन, आदिवासी, जनजाति, दलित, सीमान्तीकृत उत्पीडित वर्ग एवम् समुदायको क्षमता विकास र सशक्तिकरणका लागि विविध प्रयासहरु समेत गर्दै आएको छ ।
गृह पृष्ठ - Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs