Websites hosted on IP address

1 websites

IP address is registered for United States. The server carries IP located at latitude 34.0435 and longitude -118.45, time zone is GMT -8. Server location in California, Los Angeles, United States, zipcode 90025. Rank:134,443 Worth:$38,000

Next Reality brings you a daily look into the cutting edge innovations in Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR), and Ambient Computing, poised to merge the impossible worlds of our imaginations with real life. We provide the latest insider industry news, developer guides, and AR app previews as the next major platform shift is starting to take off. We believe AR and Ambient Computing will eventually replace our smartphones and computers as we know them today with a more seamless and limitless part-real, part-virtual, and always connected world. We started Next Reality to help accelerate consumer interest and adoption of tomorrow's AR tech, today. So whether you're an early adopter, developer, gadget geek, futurist, or industry insider, or just a regular user with an AR-enabled smartphone, we've got you covered.

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