Websites hosted on IP address

1 websites

IP address is registered for Germany. The server carries IP located at latitude 50.1109 and longitude 8.682, time zone is GMT +1. Server location in Hessen, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, zipcode 65931. Rank:686,038 Worth:$1,000

The World's First Smart & Safe Cycling Helmet. LIVALL focuses and leads on smart riding accessories research and building online community through phone application. LIVALL has gained plenty of honors, credibilty, and approvals, and also 13 million USD funding from several well-known venture capital since the establishment of the company in 2014. The world's first smart & safe cycling helmet developed independently by LIVALL was a great hit at IFA 2015 in Germany and CES 2016 in United States and attracted a great amount of media attention. The company has applied for 109 patents at home and abroad; 7 software copyrights and 15 international PCT patents; With products as smart cycling, ski, and motorcyle helmet, which have passed CPSC1203, EN1078, CE, FCC, NCC, ROHS, BQB and other international certification, and has exported to 60 countries and regions so far, which truly acheived the true

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