Websites hosted on IP address

4 websites

IP address is registered for United States. The server carries IP located at latitude 47.6043 and longitude -122.33, time zone is GMT -8. Server location in Washington, Seattle, United States, zipcode 98101. Rank:2,017,417 Worth:$150

Truth is stranger than fiction! Most people are woefully and willingly ignorant of THE TRUTH. This website gives you THE TRUTH! Rank:600,837 Worth:$1,200

Uplifting the inspired King James Bible and the precious name of Jesus Christ in these perilous last days. Rank:181,579 Worth:$28,000

Uplifting the King James Bible and the name of Jesus Christ in these Last Days, this website is a ministry—a pulpit—exposing false prophets, deceptions and all manners of evil in its ugly forms. God loves sinners with an unconditional love—not because of who we are, but because of WHO HE IS. We are living in the “perilous times” foretold in 2nd Timothy 3:1-7. People are confused and apostasy abounds. Lost sinners need to hear the simple Gospel—that we are NEEDY SINNERS (Romans 3:19) saved by JESUS' RIGHTEOUSNESS (2nd Corinthians 5:21), which is by grace through faith alone in Christ. Rank:3,500,186 Worth:$22

Jesus said to follow Him and become fishers of men! There is no greater role in life. My heart's desire is to lead you to Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, and then to teach you to go fishing for the rest of your life for the souls of men!

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