Websites hosted on IP address

4 websites

IP address is registered for Hong Kong. The server carries IP located at latitude 22.2855 and longitude 114.158, time zone is GMT +8. Server location in Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, zipcode -. Rank:42,828 Worth:$150,000

Advantech is a leading brand in IoT intelligent systems, Industry 4.0, machine automation, embedding computing, embedded systems, transportation, environment monitoring, power automation, retail, logistics, fleet management, healthcare IT, medical solutions, servers, industrial and network computing, video broadcasting, IP Video, 4K/8K, and customization services. To promote IoT, big data, and artificial intelligence, Advantech develops IoT hardware and software solutions with edge computing intelligence and WISE-PaaS core software to assist business partners and clients in connecting their industrial systems. Advantech also works with business partners to co-create business ecosystems that accelerate the goal of industrial intelligence. Rank:6,900,929 Worth:$11

Car parts and vehicle spare parts in original part quality. Our auto parts online wholesaler offers new replacement parts for all known vehicles. Rank:3,312,285 Worth:$24

Car parts and vehicle spare parts in original part quality. Our auto parts online wholesaler offers new replacement parts for all known vehicles. Rank:78,575 Worth:$80,000

研華是全球工業電腦的領導廠商, 提供嵌入式電腦與工業自動化的解決方案, 產品涵蓋工業電腦, 嵌入式系統, 單板電腦, 工業用主機板, 液晶平板電腦, 醫療用電腦, 車載電腦, 工業用I/O, 資料擷取模組, 工業通訊, 自動化控制器, 人機介面, 數位電子看板等, 產品廣泛應用於工廠與機械自動化, 環境監控, 電信, 交通, 醫療, POI/POS, 樓宇自動化, 家庭智慧系統、無線網路應用與網路通信應用等。身為Intel ECA (Embedded & Communication Alliance) 的Premier Partner及Windows Embedded Gold Partner, 研華自1983年以來持繼以先進的技術及全球化的服務, 在產業用高可靠度的電腦平台中維持領先地位.

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