Websites hosted on IP address

1 websites

IP address is registered for Germany. The server carries IP located at latitude 50.4779 and longitude 12.3716, time zone is GMT +2. Server location in Sachsen, Falkenstein, Germany, zipcode 08223. Rank:695,528 Worth:$1,000

Detailed cycling, hiking, cross-country skiing and equestrian map of Central Europe (Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Austria, Switzerland in northern Italy and Carpathian Ruthenia). The map contains marked hiking, biking, cross-country and riding trails. It is based on the OpenStreetMap database and is therefore constantly updated. Various backgrounds such as Strava heatmap, NLC forest roads, aerial imagery, public transportation, wikipedia, photos. Functions such as search (by name or POI by category), route planning (walking, cycling, pram, trolley, ...), map annotation (drawing, points / markers on the map), measurement (distance, height, area, position), GPX records viewer, own maps, live tracking, export to or GeoJSON, PDF map export for printing. Insert a map into your own page. An alternative to maps such as, or

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