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IP address is registered for United States. The server carries IP located at latitude 40.2139 and longitude -111.634, time zone is GMT -6. Server location in Utah, Provo, United States, zipcode 84606. Rank:3,685,433 Worth:$21

Life Centered Therapy. A radically different therapy approach leading to remarkable healing results.

As a Body of Christ that God has placed in Sydney, Assembly Church's desire is to be a healthy and active Church. Along with other members of Body of Christ, holding hands together in doing great commission from our Lord Jesus Christ. Serving our community is the focus in our mindset as a Church. The fields are ripe for harvest, plenty of them, it is impossible to do it by ourselves. Working together with other Churches is in our strategy to serve. Reaching all nationalities and background and help them to grow into spiritual maturity is our goal. Let us keep on growing, deeper rooted and be fruitful, reaching out to all nations. Amen!

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