Websites hosted on IP address

1 websites

IP address is registered for India. The server carries IP located at latitude 28.6668 and longitude 77.2167, time zone is GMT +5:30. Server location in Delhi, Delhi, India, zipcode 110008. Rank:1,618,779 Worth:$190

The Mission of the Cochin Port Authority is to provide dependable, cost-effective mission Port services through modern and efficient infrastructure coupled with high quality, customer friendly services. The Port shall manage its assets and resources for optimal economic use to the Nation and the community. The Port shall strive to be the main catalyst for the economic development of the region, with a strong commitment to environmentally sound policies and safe practices. The Board of Trustees, the employees and all stakeholders of the Port shall work as a team in an open, positive, collaborative and cooperative manner. In pursuit of this Mission, the Port Trust shall be guided by the principles of integrity, ethical behavior, professional excellence, service to the community and respect for every individual. The vision of the Cochin Port is to serve the country as -A public service provider,An economic development facilitator,A Business enterprise,An environmental conservator. The maritime gateway to peninsular India, Cochin is the fastest growing logistic centre emerging in to a major International transshipment terminal. An all-weather natural Port, and located strategically close to the busiest international sea routes Cochin is promoting a major liquid terminal, bulk terminal and maritime industries in its port based SEZs

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