Technology Academy Finland (TAF) awards the global one-million-euro Millennium Technology Prize and runs associated events and initiatives.
IP address is registered for Finland. The server carries IP located at latitude 60.7193 and longitude 24.8588, time zone is GMT +3. Server location in Kanta-Hame, Vantaa, Finland, zipcode 01600.
Technology Academy Finland (TAF) awards the global one-million-euro Millennium Technology Prize and runs associated events and initiatives.
Arkkitehtitoimisto Hedman & Matomäki Oy
Maintworld is the only Pan-European Publication of the EFNMS (European Federation of National Maintenance Societies). It’s core focus is to provide Businesses with information on leading Technologies, expertise and best practices on Maintenance and AssetManagement.
SantaPark - The Home Cavern of Santa Claus is a magical indoor Christmas theme park in Rovaniemi, Finnish Lapland
BirdLife Suomi | Yhdessä lintujen puolesta
Imatran Seudun Perhokalastajat ry. on vuonna 1994 perustettu perhokalastusseura jonka tarkoituksena on perhokalastus ja perhonsidonta harrastaminen.
Books from Finland is a journal of writing from and about Finland.
Ammattitaidolla. Luottamuksellisesti. Maksutta.