Websites hosted on IP address

1 websites

IP address is registered for United States. The server carries IP located at latitude 33.9302 and longitude -117.888, time zone is GMT -8. Server location in California, Brea, United States, zipcode 92821. Rank:1,118,596 Worth:$270

Two Steps From Hell was formed back in 2006 when Thomas Bergersen and Nick Phoenix joined forces to write original music for movie trailers. 13 years later, TSFH has been featured in hundreds of movie ads, including some of the biggest blockbusters of recent time, as well as thousands of TV ads and programmes. TSFH released their first public album, Invincible, in 2009, establishing epic music as a new and unique musical genre. There are now 14 public albums and millions of fans worldwide. With their unmistakable and – in the best sense of the word – bombastic sound characterized by ancient chants, titles such as “Protectors of the Earth”, “Heart of Courage”, “Victory” and “Archangel” set the heartbeats of millions of fans racing and perfectly complement the (film) images they accompany.

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