Websites hosted on IP address

2 websites

IP address is registered for United States. The server carries IP located at latitude 28.8053 and longitude -97.0036, time zone is GMT -5. Server location in Texas, Victoria, United States, zipcode 77901.

On this site you can create a local ad for your company. Whenever a person with our app installed on their cell phone passes your store they will get a message on their phone telling them that you have a sale. You can also just use our web page to view ads located close to your current location using GPS and get sale offers delivered straight to your phone. You can also view all sales on a map. As an advertiser you can have one ad at a time at a low cost of $19.99 per month. You can change your ad as many times as you like during that month.

Puppies for sale, Cheap puppies, Pets, Dogs, Kittens for sale, Dog for sale, Kitten for sale

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