Koncertjegy, Jegyrendelés, Jegyvásárlás, Jegyiroda online Ticket Express ~ Eventim
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Koncertjegy, Jegyrendelés, Jegyvásárlás, Jegyiroda online Ticket Express ~ Eventim
tickets, Tickets for more than 3.000 events per year including concerts, sports, cultural and other events in Slovenia and European countries.
Tickets for concerts, sports, cultural and other events
EVENTIM - online ticket shop
Eventim.RO ofera bilete la mai mult de 11500 de evenimente pe an. Concerte rock pop, evenimente culturale, evenimente sportive - sunt disponibile evenimente pentru toate gusturile. Oferta generoasa de bilete este completata de facilitati proprii siteului, cum ar fi prezenta cosului de cumparaturi sau posibilitatea de a alege locurile dorite direct din planul de sala. In plus, exista posibilitatea de a va inregistra la diferite categorii de newslettere. Prin intermediul lor, va puteti asigura ca nu veti mai pierde niciodata un eveniment de interes. Eventim.RO offers tickets for more than 11,500 events per year. Rock/pop, stage events or sport events – events for everybody’s interest are available. The extensive supply is completed by useful features like a shopping basket or the possibility of selecting the desired seats directly in the seatmap. In addition there is the possibility to register for special division newsletters – with this you won’t miss an event of your interest!