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IP address is registered for Germany. The server carries IP located at latitude 51.2215 and longitude 6.77617, time zone is GMT +1. Server location in Nordrhein-Westfalen, Dusseldorf, Germany, zipcode 40227.

Henkel détient des positions de leader dans les activités industrielles et grand public : Notre portefeuille comprend des produits de soins capillaires, des cosmétiques, des lessives, des adoucissant ainsi que des adhésifs, des produits d'étanchéité et des revêtements fonctionnels renommés. Rank:2,378,184 Worth:$130

Henkel occupa posizioni di leadership sia nel mercato al consumo che in quello industriale: Il nostro portafoglio include ben noti prodotti per la cura dei capelli, detersivi per il bucato, ammorbidenti, ma anche adesivi, sigillanti e rivestimenti funzionali. Rank:5,233,922 Worth:$15

Henkel ist sowohl im Industrie- als auch im Konsumentengeschäft führend. Unser Portfolio umfasst bekannte Marken in den Bereichen der Haarpflege, Colorationen, Waschmittel, Reinigungsmittel, Weichspüler sowie Klebstoffe, Dichtstoffe und funktionale Beschichtungen. Rank:2,670,478 Worth:$120

Henkel holds leading positions in both industrial and consumer businesses: Our portfolio includes well-known hair care products, laundry detergents, fabric softeners as well as adhesives, sealants, and functional coatings. Rank:2,396,929 Worth:$130

Henkel ocupa posiciones de liderazgo tanto en negocios industriales como de consumo: nuestra cartera incluye productos para el cuidado del cabello, detergentes para ropa, suavizantes, así como adhesivos, selladores y recubrimientos funcionales.

Building on a strong legacy of more than 145 years, we are leading the way to reimagine and improve life every day. Today and for generations to come. Through our innovative and sustainable brands and technologies, across our teams around the world. Henkel holds leading positions in both industrial and consumer businesses: Our portfolio includes well-known hair care products, laundry detergents, fabric softeners as well as adhesives, sealants, and functional coatings. Rank:454,896 Worth:$3,900

Building on a strong legacy of more than 145 years, we are leading the way to reimagine and improve life every day. Today and for generations to come. Through our innovative and sustainable brands and technologies, across our teams around the world. Henkel holds leading positions in both industrial and consumer businesses: Our portfolio includes well-known hair care products, laundry detergents, fabric softeners as well as adhesives, sealants, and functional coatings. Rank:603,015 Worth:$1,200

Henkel ist sowohl im Industrie- als auch im Konsumentengeschäft führend. Unser Portfolio umfasst bekannte Marken in den Bereichen der Haarpflege, Colorationen, Waschmittel, Reinigungsmittel, Weichspüler sowie Klebstoffe, Dichtstoffe und funktionale Beschichtungen. Rank:169,938 Worth:$30,000

Learn more about Henkel ✓ Henkel operates globally with leading innovations, brands, and technologies in two business areas: Henkel Adhesive Technologies and Henkel Consumer Brands Rank:2,934,286 Worth:$100

Henkel занимает лидирующие позиции в мире благодаря инновациям, брендам и технологиям трех бизнес-направлений: Adhesive Technologies (Клеи и технологии), Beauty Care, Laundry & Home Care (Чистящие и моющие средства).

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