Websites hosted on IP address

2 websites

IP address is registered for Netherlands. The server carries IP located at latitude 52.5124 and longitude 6.09447, time zone is GMT +2. Server location in Overijssel, Zwolle, Netherlands, zipcode 8045. Rank:3,174,910 Worth:$24

Bertjan Pot's most well known product is probably the Random Light (1999). The Masks he makes out of colourful rope have also drawn quite some attention. Both the Random light and the Masks started as a material research, which is basically the starting point of each product created by Bertjan Pot. The outcome is usually an interior product showing a fascination for techniques, structures, patterns and colours. Most experiments start quite impulsively by a certain curiosity for how things would function or how something would look. From there, Pot takes on challenges with or without manufacturers to explore possibilities and push the boundaries a bit. The reward for each challenge is a new one.

PIT Lifestyle is een intensief en gevarieerd traject, waarbij we middels coaching, kleur- en stijladvies op zoek gaan naar wie jij echt bent.

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