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IP address is registered for United Kingdom. The server carries IP located at latitude 50.9049 and longitude -0.40649, time zone is GMT +0. Server location in England, Washington, United Kingdom, zipcode RH20. Rank:870,428 Worth:$820

Shobhit University is one of the top university in UP (Uttar Pradesh) India. Shobhit University believes in strategic growth as envisaged in our mission and vision, to impart quality education through vertical and horizontal integration. Shobhit University is a NAAC Accredited research-intensive, multi-disciplinary university. Our Courses includes B.Tech, BCA, B.ed, M.Tech, MCA, M.Sc, Management, BBA, MBA, Human Resource Management, International Business, Finance and Insurance, Marketing, Weekly MBA Programs, We are among the top colleges of India for Engineering, Management, Law and MA education. Know more about shobhit university admission process and fee structure.

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