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IP address is registered for United States. The server carries IP located at latitude 38.8954 and longitude -77.0395, time zone is GMT -5. Server location in District of Columbia, Washington, United States, zipcode 20001.

Gerd is a leading Futurist & Humanist, a global Keynote Speaker, the Author of ‘Technology vs Humanity’ and a Film-Maker. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society for the Arts in London, and the CEO of The Futures Agency in Zürich / Switzerland. “Embrace technology but don’t become it” is his credo.

Gerd is a leading Futurist & Humanist, a global Keynote Speaker, the Author of ‘Technology vs Humanity’ and a Film-Maker. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society for the Arts in London, and the CEO of The Futures Agency in Zürich / Switzerland. “Embrace technology but don’t become it” is his credo. Rank:2,661,250 Worth:$120

The Futures Agency, based in Zürich / Switzerland, is a unique, global organization designed to help its clients discover, understand and create their preferred future. We co-create powerful new narratives that drives our clients to the next level of evolutionary development. TFA's CEO, Gerd Leonhard and his handpicked team of futurists help their clients identify change before it happens, craft new visions and manifest deep transformation.

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