Websites hosted on IP address

4 websites

IP address is registered for Netherlands. The server carries IP located at latitude 52.3785 and longitude 4.89998, time zone is GMT +2. Server location in Noord-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, zipcode 1000. Rank:81,248 Worth:$77,000

CEEOL - Home page Rank:910,896 Worth:$780

Stork has the full suite of capabilities to keep clients' assets running optimally and thereby increase their competitive advantage. Rank:3,358,214 Worth:$23

BESSEY Tools North America, based in Cambridge (ON), close to Toronto in Canada, is part of the BESSEY Group, and handles the whole North American market in its capacity as a sales and marketing business. BESSEY has a special product program for this purpose: clamping and cutting tools as well as vises, bearing heaters, industrial magnets and torque multipliers. Rank:875,444 Worth:$820

Precision and durability are the core of the BESSEY brand quality. This has made BESSEY Tool one of the largest manufacturers of manual clamping and cutting tools worldwide. Represented in 100 countries, the products are sold primarily through the specialized trade in the metal and woodworking industry. To ensure the best quality, rail and spindle material purchased directly from the BESSEY precision steel. Here round and profiled steel bars with the narrowest tolerances and highest-quality surfaces also manufactured for the automotive and mechanical engineering sectors.

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