Websites hosted on IP address

1 websites

IP address is registered for Hong Kong. The server carries IP located at latitude 22.2855 and longitude 114.158, time zone is GMT +8. Server location in Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, zipcode -.

This E-commerce Script combines many utilities that many other 'free' e-commerce scripts provide, except I allow you to completely customize the entire layout by editing 5 files. This is due to the script being built using modules (code segments being placed in particular areas after the layout has been built) and templates (a file in which designate what shows where). Each of these four files will be discussed later on in the 'Installation Section' in more detail. This application/script requires the use of PHP 4.2.X or higher with MySQL 3.2.X or higher and sufficient database and server space for the storage of data and required files.

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