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The College Park Aviation Museum is dedicated to preserving and promoting aviation innovations at College Park Airport and in Prince George’s County while fostering research, inventiveness, and lifelong curiosity about the history and science of flight.
MNCPPC, MD | Official Website
Our Department of Parks and Recreation is the only six-time national Gold Medal winner for excellence in parks and recreation management. We continue to strive to give you the best Parks and Recreation services in the country!
The mission of the Parks and Recreation Foundation is to enrich the lives and communities of our residents through charitable gifts in support of parks and programs in Prince George’s County.
The centerpiece of the Prince George's Sports and Learning Complex is the Wayne K. Curry Sports and Learning Center, a building which includes a field house, fitness center, gymnastics facility, learning center, and aquatic center - all linked via a central "Main Street" atrium area.
The Prince George’s County Planning Board directs the work of M-NCPPC through the Prince George’s County Planning Department and the Prince George’s County Department of Parks and Recreation.
Throughout 90 years of service, The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission has endeavored to improve the quality of life for all of the citizens of the bicounty area it serves and of the communities in which these citizens live, work, and raise their families.