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IP address is registered for Canada. The server carries IP located at latitude 43.8584 and longitude -79.3916, time zone is GMT -4. Server location in Ontario, Richmond Hill, Canada, zipcode L4B 0B3.

Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences (OAMJMS) is an international peer reviewed journal published four times per year by the ID Design 2012/DOOEL Skopje on behalf of Foundation Macedonian Donor Registry (MKDR), Skopje Rank:4,276,052 Worth:$18

ACME: An International Journal of Critical Geographies is an international journal for critical analyses of the social, the spatial, the ecological, and the political, grounded in critical geographic scholarship. We recognize that the scholarship we publish takes place on Indigenous territories across the globe, and that the geographies represented in ACME are themselves formed through imperialism and colonialism. There is diversity in the lands, waters, and Indigenous Nations on whose territories we depend. As a journal of geography, we also acknowledge the imperial and colonial roots of the discipline, and we seek to publish scholarship in solidarity with global and localized struggles.

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