Websites hosted on IP address

1 websites

IP address is registered for Canada. The server carries IP located at latitude 43.7637 and longitude -79.4014, time zone is GMT -4. Server location in Ontario, North York, Canada, zipcode M2N 3A9. Rank:1,860,541 Worth:$160

Our online science supply store offers science lab & classroom education supplies at prices that will stretch any teacher's budget. Engaging STEM activities with hands-on science lab kits life & earth sciences, chemistry & physics. Featured school science supplies include molecular models, test strips, magnifiers, magnets & glassware. Not just for middle or high school students or college science classrooms-good for crafts, prototype design or brand promotion. Backed by Indigo's science-trained customer service staff, we offer quick on-line ordering & fast delivery from Buffalo, NY & Waterloo, ON. Purchase orders are accepted from schools & universities.

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