Family and local history researcher and genealogist, based in Hampshire
IP address is registered for Germany. The server carries IP located at latitude 51.9687 and longitude 8.75336, time zone is GMT +2. Server location in Nordrhein-Westfalen, Strang, Germany, zipcode 32791.
Family and local history researcher and genealogist, based in Hampshire
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Portland, a thriving commercial port located on the UK's south coast. The port's close proximity to the English Channel shipping lanes provides an ideal location for vessels both in terms of distance and travel time. The harbour is well protected from the south and south westerly winds, as it shelters behind the Isle of Portland and Chesil Beach, and is circled by an extensive breakwater system which protects it from adverse easterly weather conditions. Portland Port is an attractive opportunity to a large variety of businesses. The key features of the port are: A dock estate of nearly 200 hectares and a marine jurisdiction stretching over 2400 hectares Over 2000 metres of alongside berths 11.6 metres (C.D) depth of water at the deepest alongside berth 6 designated anchorages in the outer harbour with depths at anchorage of up to 20 metres (C.D) 9 designated anchorages within the inner harbour with depths at anchorage of up to 15 metres (C.D) Very little beam and draft restriction with width at harbour entrance at 210 metres and depth at 12.4 metres (C.D) Pilotage and towage available 24/7 Portland Port offers a safe, sheltered and deep harbour which makes it a superb choice for all vessels, from small yachts to some of the largest cruise ships in the world.
Bienvenid@s a la Federación Aragonesa de Montañismo.
Découvrez le site officiel de Brive, ville gaillarde de Corrèze en Nouvelle-Aquitaine. Démarches administratives, services en ligne, informations pratiques, évènements, actualités...
dwif: Immer einen Schritt voraus. Wir sind wegweisend in der Tourismusberatung.
wellcome ist ein Sozialunternehmen und einer der Social Franchise Pioniere in Deutschland. Wir entwickeln Angebote für Familien und möchten Eltern damit ermutigen, sich auf das Abenteuer Familie einzulassen.
formacionOTP – Prevención de riesgos laborales
Rechtsanwalt Wolfgang Sträter - Dortmund,Lünen
International Cat Care | For the love of cats
Inicio - Nono&Fifi
Blumenhaus Götz – Kuhardt – Blumenhaus Götz Kuhardt
Das Berliner Medizinhistorische Museum der Charité befindet sich auf dem Gelände des Campus Charité Mitte, Charitéplatz 1, 10117 Berlin. Öffnungszeiten Di-So 10-17 Uhr, Mi+Sa 10-19 Uhr.
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Sitio Histórico - Estadístico del Fútbol Mundial