Websites hosted on IP address

1 websites

IP address is registered for United States. The server carries IP located at latitude 39.9614 and longitude -82.9977, time zone is GMT -4. Server location in Ohio, Columbus, United States, zipcode 43085. Rank:4,969,081 Worth:$15

The Ohio Valley ReSource is a regional journalism collaborative reporting on economic and social change in Kentucky, Ohio, and West Virginia. With founding support from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, seven public media outlets across the three states have partnered to form the ReSource in order to strengthen news coverage of the area’s most important issues. The ReSource team uses radio, data, and video to craft stories that promote understanding, empathy, and engagement. We will tell the human stories behind the region’s economy, energy, environment, food, health, and infrastructure. Our work recognizes that dramatic changes to the region’s traditional economic base are intertwined with social and cultural challenges. By analyzing these challenges and focusing on creative responses, the ReSource aims to help communities rethink their use of resources in a shifting economy.

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