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IP address is registered for United Kingdom. The server carries IP located at latitude 51.5085 and longitude -0.12574, time zone is GMT +1. Server location in England, London, United Kingdom, zipcode WC2N.

Sea Power are an English alternative rock band. Their original lineup consisted of Scott Wilkinson, known as Yan (vocals, guitar), Neil Hamilton Wilkinson, known as Hamilton (bass guitar, vocals, guitar), Martin Noble, known as Noble (guitar) and Matthew Wood, known as Wood (drums). Eamon Hamilton (keyboards, vocals, percussion, guitar) joined the band in autumn 2002. He left in 2006 and was subsequently replaced by Phil Sumner (cornet, keyboards), with Abi Fry (viola) also joining the band in 2008. The wide-ranging nature of the band's material has led critics to liken their sound to a variety of groups, from The Cure and Joy Division to the Pixies and Arcade Fire. The band are famed for their live performances, the unusual lyrical content of their songs and the adventurous choice of locations for some of their shows.

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