Websites hosted on IP address

2 websites

IP address is registered for United States. The server carries IP located at latitude 32.7831 and longitude -96.8065, time zone is GMT -6. Server location in Texas, Dallas, United States, zipcode 75201. Rank:10,967,388 Worth:$10

閃耀維港盛景的星光大道注入了匠心獨運的新穎元素,以全新姿態迎接全球旅客與香港市民!逾百個經典巨星掌印,以嶄新面貌為您展開耀眼星光之旅。金像獎女神及明星銅像的底座亦換上新裝。 Rank:270,922 Worth:$14,000

New World Development Company Limited ("The Group"; Hong Kong Stock Code: 17.HK) is a leading conglomerate based in Hong Kong. The Group was founded in 1970 and publicly listed in Hong Kong in 1972. It is a constituent stock of the Hang Seng Index with a total asset value of HK$378.5 billion as at 31 December 2014. For more than four decades, the Group has expanded from a single focus on the property business to four core areas - New World China Land Limited, New World Department Store China Limited, NWS Holdings Limited and Chow Tai Fook

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