Websites hosted on IP address

1 websites

IP address is registered for United States. The server carries IP located at latitude 45.5234 and longitude -122.676, time zone is GMT -8. Server location in Oregon, Portland, United States, zipcode 97086. Rank:2,388,626 Worth:$130

Allocacoc’s exceptional vision ‘a different standard’ is the key to redesign and to further improve existing products in today’s market. Designing new products, not available in the market, is creative, but re-designing existing products with additional functions at a different standard is innovative. Allocacoc’s founders started developing the first product by twisting the traditional power strips into something trendy, fun and practical: the PowerCube. “The PowerCube is a modern reinvention of the traditional power strip with more functionality—like added USB ports with a stackable system—and is made to look better.” Have a lot of electronic devices but never enough outlets? The PowerCube can help. Allocacoc provides more than a power strip; we invented a simple and convenient power solution. We understand consumers’ needs and provide a way for people to freely use power strips for optimal convenience. Our products provide a fun, exceptional and functional practice to customer’s power needs. While quality often comes with a price, our products provide consumers high quality at an affordable price. Our goal is to eventually have everyone using our products; this could be anyone who constantly travels from one place after another or somebody who spends more time in the office or at home. Our products are especially convenient for people who use multiple electronic devices and are looking for a hassle-free way to charge their devices simultaneously. Ultimately, we striv

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