Websites hosted on IP address

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IP address is registered for Singapore. The server carries IP located at latitude 1.28999 and longitude 103.85, time zone is GMT +8. Server location in Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, zipcode 178958. Rank:1,351,981 Worth:$230

Villa Escudero Plantations and Resort | Experience the allure of Philippine country life at Villa Escudero Plantations and Resort. A self-contained working coconut plantation, It was founded in the 1880s by Don Placido Escudero and his wife Dona Claudia Marasigan. Originally planted to sugarcane, the crop was converted to coconut by their son Don Arsenio Escudero in the early 1900s. A pioneering agro-industrialist, he built the country’s first working hydroelectric plant to supply his dessicated coconut factory and Villa Escudero, where he and his wife Dona Rosario Adap built in 1929.

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