Websites hosted on IP address

1 websites

IP address is registered for United States. The server carries IP located at latitude 42.0275 and longitude -93.6369, time zone is GMT -6. Server location in Iowa, Ames, United States, zipcode 50010. Rank:1,425,642 Worth:$210

The Mission of 2-1-1 Orange County is to help people find the help they need by eliminating the barriers to finding and accessing social services in Orange County. Since our founding in 1984, we have been connecting residents in need to critical social services in Orange County such as housing, job placement, food, and health insurance. With the inception of 2-1-1 in Orange County in 2005, a simple toll free, three digit phone number that is easy to remember, we now connect thousands of individuals and families to needed community based programs, including where to find a community clinic, dental care, immunizations, and prescription assistance, food, homeless shelters, elder and child care, legal services and other resources offered by local nonprofits and government agencies.

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