Websites hosted on IP address

1 websites

IP address is registered for United States. The server carries IP located at latitude 39.9673 and longitude -86.1602, time zone is GMT -4. Server location in Indiana, Carmel, United States, zipcode 46032.

ON THE AIR NATIONWIDE: In the spirit of patient advocacy, MDTV® strives to meet its goal of improving public health by providing TV broadcast stations and medical professionals with effective medical communication tools and intelligence based upon the principles of community leadership and Direct-To-Consumer-Education (DTCE™). MDTV® Medical News Now, Inc. provides medical news and information that delivers a trusted platform for LOCAL professional medical communications and consumer education. This medical intelligence revolution is accomplished through the award-winning MDTV® Medical News Now half-hour TV show specials, short form Medical Messages,, public service announcements (PSA), Patient Profile™, and Medical Moments™ with exclusive TV broadcast partners and a multi-media approach.

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