Websites hosted on IP address

3 websites

IP address is registered for United States. The server carries IP located at latitude 42.7333 and longitude -84.6378, time zone is GMT -4. Server location in Michigan, Lansing, United States, zipcode 48917. Rank:1,207,704 Worth:$250

VoiceOverXtra is the voice actor\'s daily resource for building voice over success. As the voice over industry\'s online news, training and resource center, VoiceOverXtra is a MUST HAVE resource for anyone involved with the voice over industry, and the best place for newcomers to begin researching and learning about a career in voice overs. VoiceOverXtra also offers top-notch voice over education by the industry\'s leading trainers through online webinars, tele-classes and workshops. The VoiceOverXtra website is the voice actor\'s #1 place for learning about voice acting, demos and the voice over business and marketing, complete with a comprehensive voice over industry directory; calendar of training and networking events; classified ads; how-to instruction from voice over professionals and coaches on success in voice acting, auditions, marketing and business; an online store for voice over home studio equipment, books and CDs; sample voice talent demos and more. A free career newsletter subscription includes a series of 14 free reports from industry pros on How to Ace the Audition. VoiceOverXtra also offers marketers many creative ways to reach voice actors to sell products and services, including advertising, email announcements and other marketing partnership arrangements. Rank:5,642,861 Worth:$14

Saving jazz, blues, & roots one musician at a time. The Jazz Foundation takes care of the people who have always taken care of you. And now, YOU can be there for them by making it possible to pay someone’s rent and keep them from eviction or homelessness when illness, accident, or old age prevents them from working. Rank:12,500,643 Worth:$10

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