Websites hosted on IP address

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IP address is registered for United States. The server carries IP located at latitude 33.3361 and longitude -111.922, time zone is GMT -7. Server location in Arizona, Tempe, United States, zipcode 85284. Rank:1,997,384 Worth:$150

The JetSetting Fashionista (The J.S.F.) is the creator and curator behind the blog The JettingSetting Fashionista, a destination for travel, shopping, culinary (food & wine), and local must-dos. The J.S.F. has traveled to over 44 countries and loves sharing advice for where to stay, shop, dine, and drink all over the world. After 11 years working in the NYC fashion industry, The J.S.F. now lives and works in Healdsburg, CA (Wine Country). In her new West Coast city, she enjoys exploring Wine Country & the Bay Area’s amazing restaurants, wine, boutiques, and fabulous outdoor activities.

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