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IP address is registered for United Kingdom. The server carries IP located at latitude 50.4638 and longitude -3.51434, time zone is GMT +0. Server location in England, Torquay, United Kingdom, zipcode TQ1.

David mach artist, David Mach UK, international artist, fine art prints, christmas gifts, david mach watches, david mach prints, Giclé Print, david mach books, david mach postcards, corporate art, instillation art uk, instillation art global, Tate modern art Award winning artist, dynamic and imaginative artist, commissioned artist, London artist, Scottish sculptor, large sculpture uk, giant sculpture uk, giant sculpture Australia, giant sculpture Japan, imaginitive large scale collages, diverse media installations, scottish fifeborn artist, duncan of jordanstone alumni, honorary member of the royal scottish academy, international artistic reputation, Public commissions include the tumbling telephone boxes, “Out of Order” in Kingston, “Train” in Darlington; “Big Heids”, visible from the M8 between Glasgow and Edinburgh; “It Takes Two”, sited North of Paris and in Marseille, Likeness Guaranteed commissioned by McMaster Museum of Art, Hamilton, and most recently, “Giants” in Vinadio, Italy and “Phantom”, commissioned by Morrisons supermarket for the Promenade in Kirkcaldy, Fife. In 2011 Mach was awarded the Bank of Scotland Herald Angel Award for his exhibition “Precious Light”, a daring contemporary interpretation of the King James Bible in the form of large-scale collage and sculpture. The same year, he also won the Glenfiddich Spirit of Scotland Award for Art. honorary Doctor of Laws from the University of Dundee in 2002. In 2003 his “Arm’s Length” sculpture of a woman made i Rank:4,468,591 Worth:$18

Based in Dorchester, the Thomas Hardy Society organises a lively programme of public engagement and academic events including lectures, Study Days, guided walks through Hardy’s Wessex and in London and elsewhere, concerts, poetry readings, and more. Rank:6,640,397 Worth:$11

We support Men's Sheds in the UK. Men's Sheds are community workshops where men can create converse and connect. Rank:2,856,275 Worth:$110

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