La più grande Organizzazione a livello mondiale impegnata nel sostegno di bambini privi di cure familiari o a rischio di perderle.
IP address is registered for Switzerland. The server carries IP located at latitude 47.1324 and longitude 7.24411, time zone is GMT +1. Server location in Bern, Biel, Switzerland, zipcode 2501.
La più grande Organizzazione a livello mondiale impegnata nel sostegno di bambini privi di cure familiari o a rischio di perderle.
Die Notrufnummer 147 Rat auf Draht ist in Österreich eine wichtige Anlaufstelle bei Problemen, Fragen und in Krisensituationen für Kinder, Jugendliche und deren Bezugspersonen.
Erfahren Sie, wie SOS-Kinderdorf Kindern in Not hilft und wie Sie selbst mithelfen können. ? 136 Länder ?Jetzt spenden!
SOS Children's Villages USA creates stable, loving families for vulnerable and abandoned children worldwide, including the United States. You can sponsor a child today!
SOS Children's Villages is the largest non-governmental organisation focused on supporting children without parental care and families at risk.