Websites hosted on IP address

2 websites

IP address is registered for Iceland. The server carries IP located at latitude 64.1356 and longitude -21.896, time zone is GMT +0. Server location in Hofudborgarsvaedi, Reykjavik, Iceland, zipcode 105.

Experience the Gentle Giants of Húsavík - the Whale Capital of Iceland. Welcome aboard for an adventure! Húsavík played a major role and inspiration for the song Husavik, in the 2020 Will Ferrell's Netflix film Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga. The movie highlights the beauties of our hometown, including the whales. Walbeobachtung von Húsavík Island. Hvalaskoðun og aðrar ævintýraferðir á sjó frá Húsavík.

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