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IP address is registered for France. The server carries IP located at latitude 48.5837 and longitude 7.74274, time zone is GMT +1. Server location in Grand-Est, Strasbourg, France, zipcode 67999.

Mas Botero – A substantial and attractive masia, set just outside the medieval village of Cruïlles Rank:1,216,670 Worth:$250

The Oxford International Centre for Publishing | Study Publishing and Journalism in Oxford Rank:6,785,065 Worth:$11

9-18 September 2022. Join us for a city wide celebration of Birmingham’s heritage! Over 100 events and activities to enjoy. #BHeritageWeek.

I’m Lavinia, a female professional photographer based in London. Encouraged by my parents, 8 years ago I started to do photography and now I specialize in weddings, family portraits, events, product photography and a little bit of fashion when I have the chance! In the last 5 years I worked surrounded by amazing people, I learned a lot about new cultures and customs and I traveled the whole of the UK.I am never without a camera in my hand and always happiest of taking advantage of any occasion and setting for creating great photography.Travel is a massive part of my life and is the best way to get out of a busy schedule. Travelling helped me understand other’s people cultures. I’ve experienced more in my life and I’ve become more confident. My adventures have been life-changing for me and shaped my life in amazing ways. I love to discover new places, see what other people are doing and pick up tips and ideas for my own work. I am always willing to travel so a destination wedding would of course be an absolute dream!

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