Japantown.jp Web Analysis and Statistics
Website Summary
When was the website Japantown.jp released?
Japantown.jp was registered on November 9, 2001 (23 years 1 months 24 days ago).
What is the traffic rank for Japantown.jp?
Japantown.jp website is ranked 11,011,191 globally.
How many people visit Japantown.jp each day?
Japantown.jp has about 14 visits and 15 pageviews per day.
How much does Japantown.jp earn a month?
Each month Japantown.jp can earn $1 from advertising revenue.
How much is Japantown.jp worth?
Estimated value of Japantown.jp is $10
What IP addresses does Japantown.jp resolve to?
Japantown.jp resolves to the IP addresses
Where is Japantown.jp server located?
Japantown.jp's server is located in Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 214-0021.
Japantown.jp's metrics:
- Global traffic rank:
- 11,011,191
- Referring Domains:
- 9
- Daily income:
- $0.04
- Estimated Worth:
- $10
- Yandex indexed pages:
- 32
- Owner info:
- SAKURA internet Inc. / [email protected] / 06-6476-8790
- Website category:
- Business
- Safety status:
- Safe
HTML Analysis
HTML Meta tags:
Title: 日本商品の海外向け通販 海外発送 ジャパンタウン
Description: 海外在住者のための総合ショッピングサイト。食品、化粧品、電子辞書、日用品の海外発送。あらゆる物を海外へ発送いたします。
HTML elements:
- H1 Headings:
- 0
- H2 Headings:
- 5
- H3 Headings:
- 43
- H4 Headings:
- 0
- H5 Headings:
- 0
- H6 Headings:
- 0
- Total Images:
- 17
- Total IFRAMEs:
- 0
Links analysis:
- Total links:
- 50
- Internal links:
- 30
- Internal links (nofollow):
- 0
- External links:
- 14
- External links (nofollow):
- 0
HTTP Header:
Http-Version: 1.1
Status-Code: 200
Status: 200 OK
Server: nginx
Date: Mon, 02 May 2022 20:36:11 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive
Japantown.jp Traffic Analysis
- Daily unique visitors:
- 14
- Daily pageviews:
- 15
- Daily pageviews per visitor:
- 1.1
- Monthly visits:
- 420
- Annual visits:
- 5,110
Top keywords by traffic:
Japantown.jp Domain Name Information
- Domain TLD:
- jp
- Registration Date:
- November 9, 2001
- Expiration Date:
- November 30, 2022
- Domain Age:
- 23 years 1 months 24 days
- Domain Status:
- Active
Domain Nameserver Information:
Full WHOIS Lookup:
[ restricted to network administration purposes. For further information, ]
[ use 'whois -h whois.jprs.jp help'. To suppress Japanese output, add'/e' ]
[ at the end of command, e.g. 'whois -h whois.jprs.jp xxx/e'. ]
Domain Information:
[Domain Name] JAPANTOWN.JP
[Registrant] Kaigai Support Center Co., Ltd.
[Name Server] ns1.dns.ne.jp
[Name Server] ns2.dns.ne.jp
[Signing Key]
[Created on] 2001/11/09
[Expires on] 2022/11/30
[Status] Active
[Last Updated] 2021/12/01 01:05:09 (JST)
Contact Information:
[Name] SAKURA internet Inc.
[Email] [email protected]
[Web Page]
[Postal code] 530-0001
[Postal Address] Osaka
[Phone] 06-6476-8790
Japantown.jp Server Information
- Server IP Address:
- Hosted Country:
- 🇯🇵 Japan
- Latitude, longitude:
- 35.6895 , 139.692
- Location:
- Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 214-0021
DNS Record Analysis:
RNAME: tech.sakura.ad.jp
Serial: 2005071318
Refresh: 3600
Retry: 900
Expire: 3600000
Minimum TTL: 3600
Target: japantown.jp
Typos of Japantown.jp
Sometimes, misspellings make a good domain name. And spelling errors are also a great way to create keywords for SEO. And the following are all possible typos of Japantown.jp. You can use them for competitive domain name search or for SEO strategies for Japantown.jp:
- hapantown.jp
- napantown.jp
- mapantown.jp
- kapantown.jp
- iapantown.jp
- uapantown.jp
- jzpantown.jp
- jspantown.jp
- jwpantown.jp
- jqpantown.jp
- jaoantown.jp
- jalantown.jp
- ja-antown.jp
- ja0antown.jp
- japzntown.jp
- japsntown.jp
- japwntown.jp
- japqntown.jp
- japabtown.jp
- japamtown.jp
- japajtown.jp
- japahtown.jp
- japanrown.jp
- japanfown.jp
- japangown.jp
- japanyown.jp
- japan6own.jp
- japan5own.jp
- japantiwn.jp
- japantkwn.jp
- japantlwn.jp
- japantpwn.jp
- japant0wn.jp
- japant9wn.jp
- japantoqn.jp
- japantoan.jp
- japantosn.jp
- japantoen.jp
- japanto3n.jp
- japanto2n.jp
- japantowb.jp
- japantowm.jp
- japantowj.jp
- japantowh.jp
- apantown.jp
- jpantown.jp
- jaantown.jp
- japntown.jp
- japatown.jp
- japanown.jp
- japantwn.jp
- japanton.jp
- japantow.jp
- ajpantown.jp
- jpaantown.jp
- jaapntown.jp
- japnatown.jp
- japatnown.jp
- japanotwn.jp
- japantwon.jp
- japantonw.jp
- jjapantown.jp
- jaapantown.jp
- jappantown.jp
- japaantown.jp
- japanntown.jp
- japanttown.jp
- japantoown.jp
- japantowwn.jp
- japantownn.jp
Thank you for reading our analysis & statistics about Japantown.jp website. If you find it interesting, please share it with your friends. If you have any suggestions, please comment below or contact us.