Kbc.be Web Analysis and Statistics

Website Summary

  • When was the website Kbc.be released?

    Kbc.be was registered on June 1, 1998 (26 years 5 months 16 days ago).

  • What is the traffic rank for Kbc.be?

    Website Kbc.be ranked 97,840 globally and 400 in Belgium.

  • How many people visit Kbc.be each day?

    Kbc.be has about 12,000 visits and 53,000 pageviews per day.

  • How much does Kbc.be earn a month?

    Each month Kbc.be can earn $2,670 from advertising revenue.

  • How much is Kbc.be worth?

    Estimated value of Kbc.be is $64,000

  • What IP addresses does Kbc.be resolve to?

    Kbc.be resolves to the IP addresses

  • Where is Kbc.be server located?

    Kbc.be's server is located in Virginia, Ashburn, United States Of America, 20146.

Kbc.be's metrics:

Global traffic rank:
Traffic rank in Belgium:
Daily income:
Estimated Worth:
Website category:
Safety status:

HTML Analysis

HTML Meta tags:

Title: Hoe kunnen we je helpen? - KBC Bank & Verzekering

Description: Op onze website kun je je aanmelden in KBC Touch en vind je alle info over zicht- en spaarrekeningen, leningen, hypotheek en beleggen. We helpen je graag.

Logo: kbc.be

HTML elements:

H1 Headings:
H2 Headings:
H3 Headings:
H4 Headings:
H5 Headings:
H6 Headings:
Total Images:
Total IFRAMEs:

Links analysis:

Total links:
Internal links:
Internal links (nofollow):
External links:
External links (nofollow):

HTML resources breakdown:

The homepage of kbc.be contains 128 resources, the total size is 1.65 MB. They are distributed as follows:

Resource type Resource count Size Percent
Document 5 85.77 KB 5.1 %
Image 13 316.36 KB 18.7 %
Font 18 536.65 KB 31.7 %
Script 52 527.33 KB 31.2 %
Stylesheet 24 108.82 KB 6.4 %
Media 0 0 0 %
Other 16 116.85 KB 6.9 %

In addition, the kbc.be homepage also uses 47 third-party resources, the total size is 655.03 KB.

HTTP Header:

Http-Version: 1.1
Status-Code: 200
Status: 200 OK
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Encoding: gzip
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Vary: Accept-Encoding
x-content-type-options: nosniff
x-xss-protection: 1; mode=block
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default-src 'none'; font-src 'self' data: https://*.cbc.be https://*.kbc.be https://*.kbcbrussels.be https://*.googleapis.com https://fonts.gstatic.com https://static.vee24.com; frame-ancestors 'self' https://*.cbc.be https://*.kbc.be https://*.kbcbrussels.be https://*.kbcgroup.com https://*.kbc-group.com https://*.kbcgroup.eu https://*.vee24.com https://*.adobe.com; frame-src 'self' https://*.cbc.be https://*.kbc.be https://*.kbcbrussels.be https://*.kbc-group.com https://*.omniture.com https://*.vee24.com https://assets.adobedtm.com https://kbcgroup.demdex.net https://uat.serversidegraphics.com https://uk.personalcard.net https://www.google.com/recaptcha/ https://www.youtube-nocookie.com https://*.instagram.com https://kbc.symex.be https://*.trustarc.com https://code3.adtlgc.com/ https://scdn.cxense.com/ https://player.hihaho.com/; img-src 'self' data: https://*.cbc.be https://*.clicktale.com https://*.clicktale.net https://*.contentsquare.net https://*.doubleclick.net https://*.facebook.com https://*.kbc.be https://*.kbcbrussels.be https://*.kbc.com https://*.kbcsecurities.com https://*.kbceconomics.be https://*.kbceconomics.com https://*.kbclease.lu https://*.kching.be https://*.omtrdc.net https://*.adobemc.com https://action.metaffiliation.com https://*.instagram.com https://scontent.cdninstagram.com https://cbc.azureedge.net https://cm.everesttech.net https://csi.gstatic.com https://*.linkedin.com https://dpm.demdex.net https://edash.azureedge.net https://invest.azureedge.net https://kbc.azureedge.net https://*.googleapis.com https://maps.gstatic.com https://mba.azureedge.net https://mbj.azureedge.net https://pixel.everesttech.net https://scomcluster.cxense.com https://secure.adnxs.com https://static.vee24.com https://t.co https://touch.azureedge.net https://uat.serversidegraphics.com https://uk.personalcard.net https://www.google.be https://www.google.com https://www.googleadservices.com https://img.youtube.com https://*.truste.com https://*.trustarc.com https://cdn.publish.macrobond.net https://*.cxense.com https://*.contentsquare.net; media-src 'self' https://*.cbc.be https://*.kbc.be https://*.kbcbrussels.be https://*.kbc.com https://*.kbcsecurities.com https://*.kbceconomics.be https://*.kbceconomics.com https://*.kbclease.lu https://*.kching.be https://cbc.azureedge.net https://edash.azureedge.net https://invest.azureedge.net https://kbc.azureedge.net https://mba.azureedge.net https://mbj.azureedge.net https://touch.azureedge.net; object-src 'self' https://*.cbc.be https://*.kbc.be https://*.kbcbrussels.be; script-src 'self' data: blob: 'unsafe-eval' 'unsafe-inline' https://*.cbc.be https://*.clicktale.com https://*.clicktale.net https://*.kbc.be https://*.kbcbrussels.be https://*.kbc.com https://*.kbcsecurities.com https://*.kbceconomics.be https://*.kbceconomics.com https://*.kbclease.lu https://*.kching.be https://*.kbc-group.com https://*.omtrdc.net https://adhese.mediahuis.be https://analytics.twitter.com https://*.instagram.com https://scontent.cdninstagram.com https://assets.adobedtm.com https://connect.facebook.net https://dpm.demdex.net https://googleads.g.doubleclick.net https://*.googleapis.com https://pixel.everesttech.net https://platform.twitter.com https://s.ytimg.com https://secure.adnxs.com https://snap.licdn.com https://static.ads-twitter.com https://static.vee24.com https://web.vee24.com https://www.everestjs.net https://www.google.com/recaptcha/ https://www.googleadservices.com https://www.googletagmanager.com https://www.gstatic.com/recaptcha/ https://www.youtube-nocookie.com https://www.youtube.com https://t.contentsquare.net https://contentsquare.com https://code3.adtlgc.com https://*.trustarc.com https://*.truste.com https://*.cxense.com https://shared.mediahuis.be https://t.contentsquare.net https://contentsquare.com https://*.contentsquare.com https://player.hihaho.com/; 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Date: Thu, 09 Feb 2023 13:24:00 GMT
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Connection: Transfer-Encoding

Kbc.be Traffic Analysis

Daily unique visitors:
Daily pageviews:
Daily pageviews per visitor:
Monthly visits:
Annual visits:

Google Lighthouse Audit

Google Lighthouse is an open-source, automated tool for measuring the quality of web pages. Google Lighthouse audits websites on two separate mobile and desktop environments. Audit results are based on scores from 1-100 and are divided into 5 parts:

  • Performance: This is the most important part, it evaluates the performance of your website. Performance based on Core Web Vitals and key parameters such as First Contentful Paint (FCP), First Input Delay (FID), Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS).
  • Accessibility: Test user accessibility to your web application.
  • Best Practices: Website Trust and Safety testing, extensions, XSS, HTTPS...
  • SEO (on page): These checks ensure that your page is following basic search engine optimization advice.
  • Progressive Web App (PWA): Check out the modern technologies used on your web app.

Here are the results of the Google Lighthouse audit for the website kbc.be:

On Mobile

Best Practices
0-49 50-89 90-100

On Desktop

Best Practices
SEO (on page)

Kbc.be SSL Certificate Information

kbc.be supports HTTPS with the following certificate information:

Common name: www.kbc.be
SANs: www.kbc.be, kbc.be
Organization: KBC Group NV
Location: Brussels, Brussels, BE
Serial Number: 05AD187201B5B4E5ADC06E6005F2B77D
Signature Algorithm: RSA-SHA256
Issuer: DigiCert SHA2 Extended Validation Server CA
Fingerprint: 25f19af630b241d776bf2a1c58e1cac54f438d35
FingerprintSha256: ae1a70687a258decc1c3d30752890cd6d684aa5a7f05cbb700898708ddfdb0ab

Kbc.be Domain Name Information

Domain TLD:
Registration Date:
June 1, 1998
Domain Age:
26 years 5 months 16 days
Domain Status:

Domain Nameserver Information:

Host IP Address Country
6.1 🇺🇸 United States

Full WHOIS Lookup:

Domain: kbc.be
Registered: Mon Jun 1 1998

Not shown, please visit www.dnsbelgium.be for webbased whois.

Registrar Technical Contacts:

Name: Combell nv
Website: http://www.combell.com




Please visit www.dnsbelgium.be for more info.

Kbc.be Server Information

Server IP Address:
Hosted Country:
🇺🇸 United States
Latitude, longitude:
39.0395 , -77.4918
Virginia, Ashburn, United States Of America, 20146

DNS Record Analysis:

Host Type TTL Extra
kbc.be A 60 IP:
kbc.be NS 14400 Target: a24-64.akam.net
kbc.be NS 14400 Target: a1-253.akam.net
kbc.be NS 14400 Target: a16-66.akam.net
kbc.be NS 14400 Target: a9-66.akam.net
kbc.be NS 14400 Target: a26-67.akam.net
kbc.be NS 14400 Target: a13-66.akam.net
kbc.be SOA 14400 MNAME: a13-66.akam.net
RNAME: tech.kbc.be
Serial: 2023013102
Refresh: 3600
Retry: 1800
Expire: 2592000
Minimum TTL: 900
kbc.be MX 14400 Priority: 5
Target: mail80.mailinfra.com
kbc.be MX 14400 Priority: 5
Target: mail81.mailinfra.com
kbc.be MX 14400 Priority: 5
Target: mail60.mailinfra.com
kbc.be MX 14400 Priority: 5
Target: mail61.mailinfra.com
kbc.be MX 14400 Priority: 5
Target: mail63.mailinfra.com
kbc.be MX 14400 Priority: 5
Target: mail62.mailinfra.com
kbc.be TXT 14400 TXT: adobe-idp-site-verification=a54fd5fc436f6c2af077d34f0cf7f00da655b89eeac08b3f3f80f02ed1c01b90
kbc.be TXT 14400 TXT: 7fb80801-4235-4dc2-a3bb-592d6afbbb4a-03062019
kbc.be TXT 14400 TXT: adobe-sign-verification=e1b9fd8f4f3127253053643cd86338dc
kbc.be TXT 14400 TXT: 08ec4bcd2ef845e08ce25e10c15709a3
kbc.be TXT 14400 TXT: apple-domain-verification=DZiTfqFZm2LL9aPU
kbc.be TXT 14400 TXT: docusign=bce64760-b86e-4dc6-855f-e57e95c9feec
kbc.be TXT 14400 TXT: QuoVadis=28be7f96-8e10-44bb-9365-6775b3374c3e
kbc.be TXT 14400 TXT: QuoVadis=0ad92a39-eb2a-4503-adb3-f1c8457d9175
kbc.be TXT 14400 TXT: 99c807ac3dc24142acbe47833fc2628c
kbc.be TXT 14400 TXT: yfft531vt1f6mslhly0cvbjgffqdn4mm
kbc.be TXT 14400 TXT: docusign=4113f7a2-a5b4-4cbe-95fb-6fa001b03528
kbc.be TXT 14400 TXT: v=spf1 mx -all
kbc.be TXT 14400 TXT: QuoVadis=3517eee8-d1d4-4fd0-a5f4-bb9a12a01e8a
kbc.be TXT 14400 TXT: 06f62d0d-6675-4912-8f55-76d52354595f-07062019

6 websites similar to Kbc.be

1.Spaargids.be(12% similarity)

spaargids.be Rank:181,069 Worth:$28,000

DPG Media Privacy Gate

2.Bnpparibasfortis.be(12% similarity)

bnpparibasfortis.be Rank:74,571 Worth:$84,000

Discover our wide range of financial products and manage your banking simply & securely with our Easy Banking App & Web solutions.

3.Kbcbrussels.be(11% similarity)

kbcbrussels.be Rank:248,163 Worth:$15,000

KBC Brussels est la banque pour tous ceux qui vivent et travaillent à Bruxelles, et qui font battre le cœur de la capitale. N'hésitez pas à passer en agence pour faire connaissance avec nous.

4.Kbc.com(10% similarity)

kbc.com Rank:425,577 Worth:$4,100


5.Test-aankoop.be(7% similarity)

test-aankoop.be Rank:135,636 Worth:$38,000

Testaankoop is een vereniging die de consumenten in België informeert, verdedigt en vertegenwoordigt. Wij werken in volledige onafhankelijkheid, zowel op financieel, politiek als ideologisch vlak.

6.Cbc.be(7% similarity)

cbc.be Rank:140,654 Worth:$37,000

Vous pouvez vous connecter à CBC Touch et trouver des infos concernant les comptes à vue et d'épargne, prêts, crédits hypothécaires et placements.

Typos of Kbc.be

Sometimes, misspellings make a good domain name. And spelling errors are also a great way to create keywords for SEO. And the following are all possible typos of Kbc.be. You can use them for competitive domain name search or for SEO strategies for Kbc.be:

  1. jbc.be
  2. mbc.be
  3. lbc.be
  4. obc.be
  5. ibc.be
  6. kvc.be
  7. knc.be
  8. khc.be
  9. kgc.be
  10. kbx.be
  11. kbv.be
  12. kbf.be
  13. kbd.be
  14. bc.be
  15. kc.be
  16. kb.be
  17. bkc.be
  18. kcb.be
  19. kkbc.be
  20. kbbc.be
  21. kbcc.be

Thank you for reading our analysis & statistics about Kbc.be website. If you find it interesting, please share it with your friends. If you have any suggestions, please comment below or contact us.

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