Websites using nameserver

3 websites

The nameserver have a IP Address of which is hosted on United States. Rank:194,137 Worth:$27,000

Asianet Broadband, established in 1993, is one of the best broadband service providers in Kerala, with a subscriber base of over 1,70,000 users! We provide our customers with the best offers and internet packages with unlimited data and high-speed internet for home and corporates. Rank:2,584,420 Worth:$120

To help realize the potential of e-Governance, Kerala IT touches ordinary citizens with information, digital inclusion, and e-Governance systems and services. Information delivery takes place through knowledge dissemination centres, called “Akshaya Centres”, which are spread across the state and lie within easy reach of every household. The State Data Centres (SDCs), which form part of the core digital infrastructure, deliver e-Governance services. All SDCs are connected to the Kerala State Wide Area Network (KSWAN), the Network backbone that connects three Network Operating Centres (NOCs), 14 District Head Quarters, 152 Block Head Quarters, and 63 Mini Points of Presence (POPs). To support information delivery and interaction, the Citizens’ Call Centre functions as a single-window facility for providing assistance across government departments, organizations, projects, etc. Rank:126,660 Worth:$41,000

The largest provider of office space to tech organizations, Technopark, Kerala is one of the oldest and greenest IT parks in India.

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