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The nameserver have a IP Address of which is hosted on Lithuania. Rank:3,261,563 Worth:$24

Why Focused on Asia? My ultimate goal is to travel the world and blog everything about it, but for now I just want to focus on Asia by giving information, tips, advices and share personal experiences to help other travelers who wanted to discover Asia on a budget. Just like any other continent, Asia is home to some of the earliest architecture and ancient empires of the world and is full of fascinating historical sites, each with their own unique charm. When it comes to Asian food, the continent really comes alive through its cuisine. Food is taken very seriously and the long culinary history comes out in every dish. Even better, smaller portions and cheap prices make it possible to try several new items at each meal without busting your budget. Asia is so unpredictable; simply walking outside of your hotel in Asia can sometimes turn into an impromptu adventure! With such a difference and variety in culture, language, customs, and religion, you won’t have to look far for interesting sights and photos. An afternoon walk may yield an experience or interaction that you’ll remember forever. Also, it’s cheaper to travel in Asia than other destinations like Europe or Caribbean. You certainly get a lot of bang for your buck as meals, drinks, accommodation, and activities cost a fraction of what they would in more expensive destinations. By levering the currency exchange, travelers can enjoy a higher level of luxury on a budget than they could elsewhere.

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