Wattstopper lighting control products are designed to meet code, ensure ease of installation, and enable the control of light. Learn more.
The nameserver lim.legrand.tm.fr have a IP Address of which is hosted on France.
Wattstopper lighting control products are designed to meet code, ensure ease of installation, and enable the control of light. Learn more.
Sie suchen Produkte und Systeme im Elektroinstallationsbereich und für Rechenzentren? Hier sind Sie richtig.
Legrand India electrifies your home and digital infrastructure with IoT Devices, modular switches board, cable management, and much more. We cater to home automation and home safety.
罗格朗致力于为客户提供各种建筑类型完整的电气解决方案。产品涵盖:开关插座、智能系统、楼宇对讲、综合布线、智能家居控制系统、低压电器、酒店客控、数据中心、线缆管理、低压产品等。罗格朗在中国管理着8个商业品牌,分别为罗格朗、BTicino、卡博菲、克莱沃、力登、Server Technology 和视得安等。
Legrand offers innovative products and solutions for the places that people work and live delivering and managing power, light and data. Learn more.
Legrand es el especialista global en infraestructuras eléctricas y digitales de edificios.
Vantage is a leader in luxury control systems, providing home owners with automated lighting systems that give them the ability to control and personalize their environment precisely and effortlessly.
Electrical and digital building infrastructures specialist
Продукция Legrand применяется и в жилых помещениях, и в зданиях административного сектора, и на промышленных объектах
Bienvenue sur Legrand.fr. Découvrez des solutions électriques adaptées à vos besoins. Parcourez le catalogue et retrouvez nos gammes d'interrupteurs et prises électriques.
Welcome to Legrand - Legrand
Productos y sistemas para infraestructuras eléctricas y redes informáticas