Websites using nameserver

2 websites

The nameserver have a IP Address of which is hosted on Canada.

MetOcean Telematics is a global telemetry leader offering innovative voice, data and web-based solutions. Rank:4,523,787 Worth:$17

Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, based Turner Drake & Partners Ltd., is the leading firm of real estate consultants, counsellors and brokers in Atlantic Canada providing appraisal, valuation, property tax, real estate sales and lease services in the Maritime Provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island; and also in Newfoundland and Ontario. Through NAI, New America International, brokerage sales and leasing services are available worldwide. Turner Drake, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, has conducted appraisal, valuation, property tax appeals, and real estate counselling in NS, NB, PEI and Newfoundland since 1976, and real estate leasing and sales since 1978.

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