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Marino & Son Plumbing, was started by Sam F. Marino in 1925 and has been serving the Baton Rouge community ever since. While new commercial construction is the primary focus of Marino & Son Plumbing, residential and commercial repair work also composes a portion of the business.
We shine the brightest where planning meets the budget. Our skilled development team can orchestrate your master plan into a dream come true by suiting the details of your concept to a real-world set of budget constraints. We'll work with the outlay to adjust the scope, materials or any aspect so that we can give you the most competitive price possible.
In Bluebonnet Highlands, you'll find expansive, stocked lakes, as well as a Recreation Center containing a swimming pool, basketball court, children's playground, athletic field, tennis court, and clubhouse for event rentals.
We started in 1988 built on the firm principles of quality workmanship and friendly, down to earth service. We provide creative, practical design and construction services tailored to your individual needs.